






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-12 17:52| 查看数: 1029| 评论数: 0|

1.thumb.middle.jpg 21st Century

Autorobots in the movie "Transformers" and the GM models they're based on.


1.thumb.middle.jpg General Motors Corp.

General Motors bankrupcy

NO company– or at least no company`s products — has been as celebrated in American popular culture as General Motors.


For generations, GM vehicles have inspired artistic metaphors of freedom, speed, youth, romance, power and sex.


So, it`s probably safe to say that General Motors` bankruptcy filing won`t damage its image polished by movies, TV shows and, especially, popular music.


GM`s cars have been instant signifiers of status and attitude, not just on the road but on TV and in the movies.


General Motors` marketing identified each of its brands very well. So, a mere brief appearance of one of its cars in a movie could establish a character`s personality.


Heroes, for example, tend to drive muscle cars. Actor Burt Reynolds showed his image as a good old boy by driving a powerful black Pontiac Trans Am in Smokey and the Bandit. The Trans Am`s cousin, the Chevrolet Camaro, got the nod in the 2007 blockbuster Transformers.

例如,英雄式主角喜欢开大尺寸、大马力和高油耗的“肌肉车”。在1977年的电影《熊和强盗》中,伯特-雷诺兹驾驶一辆黑色庞蒂克Trans Am,成功地塑造了一位良家老男孩形象。2007年,Trans-Am的表亲Chevrolet Camaro则化身电影《变形金刚》中的“大黄蜂”。

Rock music has been inseparable from cars since rock `n` roll`s beginning. It`s more than a coincidence that the development of rock and "car culture" took off at the same time, says Paul Grushkin, author of Rockin` Down the Highway: The Cars and People that Made Rock Roll.


It started right after World War II. Rising household prosperity, the growth of suburbs and superhighways, and a growing youth population all met the no-limits spirit of the car industry, Grushkin says. "People look back on the cars of that time and can`t believe how audacious it was that someone would drive something like (those cars) down the street. You had unlimited horsepower."


So, there came a burst of "teen" car songs from the likes of rock bands "Jan and Dean" and "the Beach Boys". Baby boomer Bruce Springsteen idealized domestic cars, along with youth, in many songs, including "Thunder Road" and "Racing in the Streets".

紧接着,像摇滚乐队"Jan and Dean"和 "the Beach Boys"创作了一大批“青少年”汽车歌曲。而“婴儿潮”时期出生的布鲁斯-斯普林斯汀和其他年轻人一起,用大量歌曲诗化了国产车的形象,《雷鸣道》和《街头赛车》就是在那时涌现的。

Prince`s "Little Red Corvette" proved so popular that Chevy`s ad agency, Campbell-Ewald, used it in a Corvette ad campaign in 2002. As Bill Ludwig, the agency`s chief creative officer, explained in an interview with AutoWorld: "Frankly, no other brand has inspired popular culture like Chevy. The Corvette and rock `n` roll were both born in America, 50 years ago. Coincidence? I think not."

此外,Prince的《小红克尔维特》也大受欢迎。2002年,该曲被雪佛兰的广告代理商Campbell-Ewald选为广告歌,公司首席创意官Bill Ludwig在接受美国《汽车世界》杂志采访时曾说:“说实话,雪佛兰对大众文化的影响无人能及。克尔维特车型和摇滚乐于50年前在美国同时诞生,这纯属巧合么?我觉得不是。”

GM`s Cadillac division also has inspired countless musical tributes as a symbol of luxury and excessiveness during the same period. You can start with songwriter Buddy Holly singing "Not Fade Away": "My love is bigger than a Cadillac".

在当时,作为奢华的象征,通用旗下的卡迪拉克汽车同样引得无数音乐家纷纷向它致敬。以创作歌手Buddy Holly为例,他所演唱的《真爱永存》中有这样一句歌词:“我对你的爱胜过卡迪拉克。”

Black artists share a special history with the Cadillac. For decades, it was the status symbol in African American communities. References to Cadillacs abound in hip-hop, owing to the near-mythic status of the brand among rappers. In fact, rap`s fetishizing of the Cadillac may have helped bring the brand back from the brink in the 1990s. It put a halo of coolness on a car associated with elderly buyers.


Unfortunately for GM, that has hardly been enough.


"The sadness is that the technology has passed GM and Ford by," Grushkin says. "Not enough people want to buy an American product at this point. But for pure absolute nostalgia, it`s American product all the way."



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