






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-12 17:55| 查看数: 1257| 评论数: 0|

1.thumb.middle.jpg 21st Century

The Daily Show anchor Jon Stewart. Young audiences of the show love his blend of news and humor.

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The Daily Show 20090408


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Sarah Palin, left, walks along the grounds of the United Nations with television news anchor Katie Couric, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008.

RUMORS are circulating that CCTV execs might revamp the nightly newscast, Xinwen Lianbo, which has been described by young Chinese as dry, formulaic and lacking in personality. If that is indeed the case, they might turn news programs in the West for ideas.


The three major news networks in the United States – NBC, ABC, and CBS – strive for unique personalities in their anchors, and a relatively fluid broadcast format.


American news shows incorporate a mix of behind-the-desk reporting, guest interviews, and occasional off-site episodes, where anchors leave the studio to report directly from the site of breaking news.


Viewers tend to remain loyal to one network or another based on their perceptions of each anchor person. Anchors Brian Williams (NBC), Charlie Gibson (ABC), and Katie Couric (CBS) are all well-known public figures who have worked their way up the media ladder from local stations to become network celebrities.


They can also be seen off-set: hosting debates, showing up as guests on late-night comedy shows, and even making fun of themselves in skits like those on the comic variety show Saturday Night Live.


As anchors, they need serious journalistic credentials and they often play a role in determining how the news is presented. In addition to reporting from behind a desk, they go out into the field to conduct hard-hitting interviews with important political and cultural figures.


In 2006, Katie Couric of CBS became the first woman to anchor a major prime time news program when she joined CBS`s Evening News, which goes on the air nightly at 6:30 pm.


She got off to a rocky start. Some critics judged her by her past career as a co-host on the more casual, entertainment-based Today Show. They argued that she was not serious enough for the job of primetime news anchor.


Yet her professional reputation – and her viewing audience – soared when she traveled to Alaska in 2008 to conduct a series of primetime interviews with then-vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.


Couric took on-camera walks with Palin against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains and giant oil rigs. As the two women walked, Couric asked challenging questions and refused to back down when Palin appeared to struggle with answers.


The interviews produced a less favorable impression of Palin among audience members. This lead many to believe that Couric`s work contributed to Palin and her running mate John McCain`s eventual defeat in the November elections.


A younger generation of viewers is going even further to find appealing personalities on the nightly news. Today, many prefer to skip the primetime news altogether. Instead, they wait until 11 pm to switch on their TVs, when they can catch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Comedian-anchor Stewart delivers a unique brand of news, social commentary and satire.


The Daily Show has distinguished itself from other news programs by covering breaking stories in an offbeat, lighthearted style. It mixes sound effects, graphics, and witty wordplay. The show also addresses sensitive topics not generally covered by the mainstream media.


In a 2007 poll, Stewart ranked as one of the top four most admired anchors in the US. A rising number of college students and other young people have cited Stewart`s Daily Show as their main source of news.


For a man who has referred to himself as "fake anchor" delivering "fake news", this is no small accomplishment. To his loyal and growing audience, it`s all about personality.



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