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A student in Chongqing shines shoes after class to earn extra money for her schooling. Many young people find part-time jobs while studying at college.


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Armed with maps and guidebooks, hordes of Chinese families set off across the nation this summer -- but some had a hidden agenda to their holidays. The destinations for many middle-aged parents were residential areas around universities, and sights included more real estate agents` offices than places of cultural interest.


"We get many parents from other cities and provinces during the summer vocation. Most of them came to buy houses for their children who are studying at the college here," said Wang Shang, an agent with the Century 21, a real estate agency in Qingdao, Shandong province.


The increase in nouveaux riches snapping up property near universities is just one factor that has made college campuses the clearest example of the widening wealth gap in modern China.


Despite vast and continuing improvements of living conditions offered in university dormitories, they still do not meet the expectations of the rich.


A female student at a university in Wuhan, Hubei province, reportedly arrived on her first day with 19 pieces of luggage, enough to fill a four-person dorm and setting a new school record, according to the city`s Changjiang Times.


At the other end of the spectrum is Su Ming, who comes from a family of farmers and studies at a university in Beijing. He recalled how he arrived in the capital with just a plastic bag and an old school satchel.

来自农民家庭,现在京读大学的苏明与之形成强烈对比。 他回忆起他是如何带着一个塑料编织袋和一个旧书包抵达首都的。

The wealth gap on campus is not just evident when it comes to accommodation. Branded clothing, high-tech cell phones and entertainment gadgets, and cars continue to be all the rage among young people, highlighting the divisions between the haves and have-nots.


Su Wenping, a professor in sociology at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said"It is visible in the classrooms, in the dormitories, or even between students sharing the same desk. This on-campus wealth gap can only negatively impact the values, activities and mental states of students, particularly poor ones,"


She explained most students from rich families are extroverted, and active in making friends and taking part in activities. In contrast, poor students often avoid crowds and prefer to be alone.


A study by Professor Su, in which she interviewed students from varying families, showed that 60 percent of poor students felt shame about their backgrounds, while more than 22 percent said they felt inferior.


"They do not want others to know about their situation and they unconsciously turn away when teachers or classmates offer help," said Su, who added that 42 percent of her subjects said they would turn down any form of help if it means exposing their situation in the media or on the Internet.


The obvious wealth gap on campus is a challenge universities have been urged to address.


"Although subsidies and allowances for poor students keep increasing year by year, it is still not enough to cover every young person who needs them," said Su. "Government and universities need to improve the subsidy system to ensure needy students get an equal chance at education.


"Most students don`t want handouts. They want to make a living with their own hands, so making more part-time jobs and work opportunities available would be the best way to help impoverished students," she added.


Nie Zhenwei, director of the psychology center at Beijing Normal University warned those students from rich backgrounds were not immune from the impact of the wealth gap. "We cannot forget that, by indulging in an affluent life early on, young people often fail to get a good grounding and lose direction," he said. "Learning how to form proper attitudes to life and money is an important lesson at universities for both poor and rich students. We cannot choose the family we were born into, but we can always choose our future."

北京师范大学心理咨询研究中心主任聂振伟表示,那些家境富裕的学生也会受到贫富差距的影响。 他说:“我们要注意的是,过早沉溺于富足生活会使得青年人往往没有一个踏实的基础并会迷失自我。对于穷富学生,如何树立正确人生观与价值观是一门重要的大学课程。我们不能选择自己的出身,但总是能够选择自己的未来。”


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