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Penn Badgley, a co-star of "Gossip Girl," examines CDs at Other Music in the East Village.


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Blake Lively seems to be really open with her relationship with Penn Badgley now!


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The Stepfather Movie


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Penn Badgley stars as Michael in Screen Gems' The Stepfather (2009).

On a recent Wednesday night, Mr. Badgley, 22, the "Gossip Girl" star, was shopping at Other Music, an independent record store in the East Village. Under the noses of a couple of indifferent clerks who either did not know who he was or did not care, Mr. Badgley bought a stack of CDs by artists ranging from the hip-hop performer RZA to the Malian kora player Toumani Diabaté.

上周三晚,《绯闻女孩》中的明星贝格利(22岁)在曼哈顿东村的一家私营唱片行购物。贝格利买了一大堆唱片,从说唱歌手RZA到马里的科拉琴音乐家Toumani Diabaté的作品都有。而那里的几个店员要么不知道他是谁,要么根本不在乎这些。

Outside, he confessed that his acquisitions were mostly impulse buys that his "Gossip Girl" salary could easily finance. "That`s one of the greatest things about working in TV," he said in a low deadpan.


On "Gossip Girl," Mr. Badgley plays Dan Humphrey. The gig has been good for his wallet, his music collection and his love life - he is dating his "Gossip Girl" co-star, Blake Lively.


With an evening to kill, Mr. Badgley wandered downtown in search of trouble - the kind that might let him indulge the darker side that he exhibits in a remake of the thriller "The Stepfather," which opened on Friday - but would not result in any damage to his preternaturally pretty mug.


He stopped first at the John Varvatos store on the Bowery that replaced CBGB. After poring over dress shirts and vintage stereo equipment that cost about the same, Mr. Badgley declared, "At least they didn`t turn it into a bank."

他首先驻足在包厘街的John Varvatos店,那里原是摇滚俱乐部CBGB。看了一会儿同等价位的礼服和老式音响,贝格利说:“至少他们没把它变成一个银行。”

A few blocks east, he arrived at Mars Bar, the grimy dive where tourists go in search of authentic punks and authentic punks go to start drinking at midday. He seemed unsure of his choice of bars ("I think it`s closed," he said), but then he threw open its front door and entered.

接着他又向东走了几个街区来到Mars Bar酒吧。游客经常来这里寻找真正的朋克,而朋克们常在中午来这里喝酒。看起来,他似乎对自己的选择不太确定。(他说:“我觉得它可能关门了”。)但他还是突然开门走了进去。

A Sid Vicious cover of "Something Else" was blaring on the jukebox, and the narrow bar was crowded with colorful patrons. "I think we`re wearing the same sneakers," Mr. Badgley said, pointing to a barfly in a patchwork of tattered winter gear and brown Nikes. (The woman with him was similarly attired.)

店内的自动点唱机播放着席德-维瑟斯的"Something Else",狭窄的酒吧内拥挤着形形色色的客人。贝格利指着一个常来酒吧的人说:“我觉得我们穿着一样的运动鞋。”后者穿着破旧的冬装和一双棕色耐克。(与他同行的女人穿着类似的着装。)

As Mr. Badgley reached across to grab a watery Bud Light, he accidentally nudged someone with a tattoo of a revolver on his neck and quickly apologized. "That`s all right, brother," the man said. "You`re beautiful-looking."


His girlfriend, tall and thin with her hair in long bangs, clearly recognized Mr. Badgley but acted as if she didn`t care. "I think it`s completely ridiculous," she said of "Gossip Girl." "I don`t really watch it `cause it`s not my scene."


One drink later, the punk pair - who said they played together in a hardcore band - had befriended Mr. Badgley. The woman, Janine Jastrzebski, praised Ms. Lively. "She`s impeccable," she said. "She`s really cute."

喝了一杯酒后,那对声称曾在某核心乐队玩儿音乐的朋克就和贝格利成了朋友。那个叫Janine Jastrzebski的女人还称赞莱弗利“完美、可爱”。

"I`m a very lucky guy," Mr. Badgley said sheepishly.


"I think it`s rare ... " Ms. Jastrzebski started to say.


"Rare for someone to be cute?" Mr. Badgley said.


"I think it`s rare for people to respect one another," she said, giving her blessing to Mr. Badgley`s and Ms. Lively`s relationship.


As Mr. Badgley left the bar, Black Sabbath`s "Fairies Wear Boots" was playing. "I`ve found that people are cool if you don`t treat them like jerks," he said.

贝格利离开酒吧的时候里面正播放着黑色安息日的"Fairies Wear Boots"。他说:“我发现,只要你不把别人当傻瓜对待,你就会发现他们其实都挺酷的。”


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