





分手策划 让爱情完美结束

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-14 16:59| 查看数: 1121| 评论数: 0|

1.thumb.middle.jpg 分手策划

Breakups in relationships can be ugly. There can be tears, screaming and thrown things.


But while most people draw the line at text messaging the bad news, some people have taken it one step further: they hire quick and merciless love assassins to do the “dirty work” for them.


At least 40 “breakup agents” now advertise their skills on Taobao for ending bad relationships, claiming to keep the damage to a minimum.


“I got this idea from the movie The Break-Up Artist,” said Li Xiongfei from Shijiazhuang, 21, who started a breakup service six months ago.


Li has a team of four, all in their early 20s. Together, they have helped more than 30 clients – all young people between 20 to 27 years old – get rid of lovers they didn’t want any more.


Every time a client comes to Li, he asks details including how they met, how long they’ve been together and why he or she needs to end the romance.


Li and his people then discuss and write a draft of what to say before they deliver the bad news.


Usually, they make a call to the dumped as a friend of their client, saying that his or her significant other has to quit their relationship and it is good for both parties.


Li added that they charge 50 yuan for a soft let-down by phone.


Sometimes, the job can be tough and one phone call doesn’t cut it, especially when the dumped is a woman.


“They often cry over the news and then hang up on you,” said Li, who recently spent two weeks talking a woman into letting go.


Most of the time, Li said they make their clients happy.


But obviously, not every one likes the idea of outsourcing breakups to a middleman.


Wang Yuru, a psychologist from Shanghai, points out that when a stranger comes to tell a person that he or she is dumped, it hurts even more than hearing the bad news from their ex-partners.


“Don’t do that to someone you once loved,” added Wang.


Some people take it even further. A Sina Weibo micro blogger named Celilia said that the service is against Chinese value of “making peace between people” and is immoral.


“You know what’s immoral?” said Li Xiongfei. “Some people asked us to poison other people’s relationships. That’s immoral. But we say no to them.”



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