






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-17 18:06| 查看数: 866| 评论数: 0|

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Han Huohuo says Beijing gives him a forthright and stubborn character.


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Han says he loves shopping.


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Han's collection of fashionable shoes.


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Han, Huohuo – A controversial fashion figure in China


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Han huohuo


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He always wears all black from head to toe and the clothes featured structured and clean lines.

Han Huohuo, a project manager with the Chinese edition of Marie Claire, has built a glossy reputation since his photographs were featured on popular fashion websites such as the Vogue magazine-hosted Style.com.

韩火火,《嘉人Marie Claire》杂志的时装项目经理,因为照片登上了《Vogue》的在线网站Style.com等国际知名时尚网站而名声大震。

Despite being very skinny, Han insists he needs to lose weight. He steps out in high-heel shoes, carries brand-name women`s bags and stirs heated debate on the Internet, which led to him being labeled "Witch Man" by Chinese netizens.


Han, 25, hardly minds the maelstrom of controversy, and said he wants to look like a 17-year-old forever.


Q & A


Q: How many times has Style.com posted your photos? Did the photographer, Scott Schuman, inform you when he took your photos?

记者:Style.com登过你几期照片?摄影师Scott Schuman给你拍照的时候提前告诉你了么?

A: Twice. Once was outside the Giorgio Armani show place in Milan in February 2009 and another was at the Oscar de la Renta show in New York in September. Both were candid shots. Scott hid himself well. But I met him and his girlfriend once after a show in New York when I went out for a smoke. We had a short chat and I thanked him.


Q: Do you think you became well-known because he photographed you?


A: Yes, that is why I thanked him. Being snapped on the street changed my life, in a certain way. People have started to pay attention to me, our magazine and the progressive people who work in the fashion industry in China. I owed him this.


Q: You were wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses, a Raf Simons coat, Prada trousers and Burberry shoes, and holding a Givenchy bag in your photo on style.com. Do you dress like that in Beijing? Do you believe one day that men will start to wear high heels and enamel nails?

记者:style.com网站上的你戴着Ray-Ban墨镜,穿着Raf Simons的外套、Prada的裤子、Burberry的鞋子,还拿着Givenchy的包。你在北京也这样穿么?你觉得男人们将来也会穿高跟鞋,涂脚趾甲么?

A: I dress like that every day, both in Beijing and abroad. Sometimes, I may try to be more refined if I am going to fashion shows. And certainly, many people give me more than a second glance on the streets. But it does not matter. That is me. I am not afraid of critique and I do not feel embarrassed. But I do not think the day you said will come. After all, the country and society serve the majority.


Q: Netizens have labeled you a transvestite, woman pretender and gay. What do you think of those comments?


A: I cannot control the minds and words of others, but I know what I am. I am not angry and I do not care.


Q: How do your friends and family view your style? Has your style ever affected them?


A: I do not have many friends because I am not a sociable person. I feel it is good enough to have several true friends. They all accept my style. I have changed their dressing styles at different levels and they all like the changes. My family always accepts and supports my style.


Q: What is your height and weight? Do you diet to keep slim? Have you tried hard to keep your weight?


A: 175 cm and 56 kg. Every time before going to a fashion week, I make an effort to lose weight. The method is just not eating. I have tried pills, but hunger works best. I never do sports or go to the gym.


Q: Do you think Beijing has a tolerance for avant-garde style? How about second-tier cities such as Changsha? Or do you feel you are more accepted abroad?


A: I am actually self-centered and do not consider other people`s reflections on me. I do not really care. I do not pay much attention to the surroundings, either in Beijing, Changsha or abroad. So I do not really know whether these cities are tolerant or not.


Q: You grew up in Beijing. What influence has it made on you?


A: Beijing gives me a forthright and stubborn character. I am a simple person and do not know how to lie. The people who like me, like me very much; the ones who don`t, hate me a lot. I am happy with myself. I do not want to and will not change, not for anyone or anything. In fact, I am not able to change.


Q: Who are your fashion idols? Where is your favorite place to shop? What are your favorite fashion items and websites?


A: I like Kate Moss, Faye Wong and Sammi Cheng. The most fashionable city is New York, but I love shopping in Hong Kong, Lane Crawford at IFC Central, Harbor City and the outlet at Tung Chung.

韩:我喜欢Kate Moss, Faye Wong 和 Sammi Cheng。最时尚的城市是纽约,但我喜欢在香港国际金融中心的连卡佛和东涌购物。

In Beijing, I usually go to the Financial Street Lane Crawford. I cannot help wanting to have every Givenchy bag. My favorite website is jakandjil.com, a street snap blog. The blogger is called Tommy Ton. I was snapped by him once.

在北京,我常去金融街购物中心的连卡佛。每看到一款Givenchy包我都忍不住去买。最喜欢的网站是jakandjil.com,一个街拍博客。博主是Tommy Ton。我曾被他拍过一次。


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