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In her short career, Swift has already had three of her songs reach number one on the US country charts: "Our Song", "Should've Said No" and "Love Story," the last of which she performs above at the 2008 42nd Country Music Awards in Nashville.


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Swift got her first guitar at the age of 12. She accompanied herself on this rhinestone-studded model at Game Three of the 2008 World Series, where she sang the national anthem.


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At the 44th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, Fearless was honored for Album of the Year. Swift received awards as both the performer and producer of the disk.


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In January of 2009, Swift announced her first headlining tour in cities across the U.S. and Canada.

How long does it take you to write a song?


Most of the time, songs that I write end up being finished in 30 minutes or less. "Love Story" I wrote on my bedroom floor in about 20 minutes. When I get on a roll with something, it`s really hard for me to put it down unfinished.

一般情况下,我写歌的时间不超过30分钟, “Love Story”这首歌是我在卧室地板上20分钟的创作结晶。一旦当我开始做什么事,就很难中途停下来。

What`s the story behind "Love Story"?

"Love Story"这首歌背后有什么故事吗?

"Love Story" is actually about a guy that I almost dated. But when I introduced him to my family and my friends, they all said they didn`t like him. All of them! For the first time, I could relate to that Romeo-and-Juliet situation where the only people who wanted them to be together were them. That`s the most romantic song I`ve written, and it`s not even about a person I really dated.

"Love Story"讲的是一个男孩的故事,而我差一点就和他约会了。但是当我把他介绍给我的家人朋友后,所有人都不喜欢他。所有人!这是第一次我觉得自己身处于罗密欧与朱丽叶的情况之中:除了我们自己,谁都不希望我们在一起。这是我写过的最浪漫的一首歌,却是关于一个我未曾约会的男孩。

How do you manage to appear so genuinely happy when, according to your songs, you`ve suffered so much heartbreak?

歌中提到你很多心碎的经历, 但你看起来却又很开心。你是怎么做到的呢?

I have ways of channeling the heartbreak. Also, it`s been a really awesome year. I get so excited when a song I wrote that`s very personal to me goes No. 1 and I look down and see people singing the words back to me. That makes me so much happier than anything could ever bring me down.


Who`s your biggest musical influence?


Shania Twain. She came out, and she was just so strong and so independent and wrote all her own songs. That meant so much to me, even as a 10-year-old. Just knowing that the stories she was telling in those songs--those were her stories.

Shania Twain. 她出现在我眼前,如此强大而独立,并且所有的歌都是她自己写的。这些对我来讲意义很大,即使当时我才十岁,只刚刚明白她在歌里唱的那些故事--那是她自己的故事。

I grew up listening to heavy metal and rock, yet I find your songs really catchy. What sort of music do you listen to?

我是听着重金属和摇滚长大的, 然而我觉得你的歌非常的朗朗上口。你经常听什么样的歌呢?

I`ve always loved Def Leppard, ever since I was little. I got to do a TV concert called CMT Crossroads with them, where they pair up a country artist with legends in rock `n` roll. I was singing Def Leppard songs, and they were singing my songs. It was just a complete out-of-body experience.

我从小就一直喜欢Def Leppard。我曾经和他们一起参加过一个叫做CMT Crossroads的电视演唱会。他们把我和一个rock'n'roll 的传奇乡村歌手分成一组。我唱着Def Leppard的歌,他们唱着我的歌。那真的是一场完全超乎想象的体验。

What advice do you have for aspiring songwriters?


Write your songs not for a demographic or for getting on the radio. Write your songs for the person you`re writing that song about. When I sit down, I say to myself, "O.K., who is this about? What would I say to him right now if I could?"


You have so many unrecorded covers floating around on YouTube. Do you think you`ll ever make an album of just covers?


I don`t think I`d ever make an album of just covers because I love writing my own music. In concert, I love doing pop covers like Beyoncé or Rihanna--things that people wouldn`t expect. But I usually try to cycle them through every couple of months, because if I didn`t write it, it`s easier for me to get tired singing it live.

我觉得我应该不会出一张翻唱专辑,因为我喜欢写我自己的歌。在演唱会上,我也喜欢做一些POP的翻唱, 比如说Beyonce 或者Rihanna, 诸如此类出乎人们意料的事情。但是我经常几个月做一次循环,这是因为如果不是我自己写的歌的话,我很快就厌倦在现场唱它们了。

Do you think you have influenced the younger generation to appreciate country more?


So many girls come up and say to me, "I have never listened to country music in my life. I didn`t even know my town had a country-music station. Then I got your record, and now I`m obsessed." That`s the coolest compliment to me.

许多女孩子到我面前来说"我从未听过乡村音乐, 我甚至不知道我居住的镇上有一个乡村音乐电台。然后我买了你的CD,现在我已经沉迷其中了。"这是我听到的最棒的赞美我的话。

What other artists would you like to do a duet with?


I would like to do a duet with Taylor Hanson, because I have loved Hanson since I was 8. And Taylor Hanson has an amazing voice. And also we`re both named Taylor.

我想和Taylor Hanson一起合作,因为我从8岁开始就喜欢他了。他的嗓音简直太迷人了。除此之外,我们两人都叫Taylor。

Do you think it`s right for people to pay so much attention to the personal lives of entertainers?


I feel like people paying attention to your personal life when you`re in this position is sort of a given. There`s nothing that I can say to make it stop. I don`t live in L.A. I live in Nashville. The paparazzi do not know where Nashville is, so I sort of have a normal life when I`m home.



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