






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-17 18:49| 查看数: 1020| 评论数: 1|

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Three new trends have made summer internships more exciting, inclusive and creative for college students: First, internships themselves involve more adventurous activities. Second, freshman and sophomore students can now apply for opportunities, alongside seniors. Finally, the application process itself has been simplified.


21st Century reporter Xu Jingxi interviewed students and companies to examine these new trends.


Internships in the wild


Forget sitting at a desk in a suit and tie. Get ready to venture out into the wild during your summer internship.


Canon China, a manufacturer of imaging and optical products, has held summer internship programs in national nature reserves since 2009. Participants are required to make photo albums reflecting the reserves’ eco-systems and promote their albums online.


Kong Yue, 21, a sophomore majoring in business management at Sun Yat-sen University, took part in the program last summer.


Unluckily, it rained heavily during the program, and Kong’s team was unable to venture into the mountains to pick mushrooms, as they’d planned.


Under pressure, Kong calmly changed to Plan B: She took pictures of the mountains, which were enveloped in rain and fog.


“Working outdoors, students will have to deal with ‘accidents’, such as the changing weather. We will see how students react and evaluate whether they have the potential to become resourceful employees,” said Lu Jie, deputy director of the Corporation Communication Division of Canon China.

佳能(中国)企业公关部副总经理鲁杰(音译)表示:“在户外工作,学生必须要应对一些 ‘突发事件’,比如天气的变化。我们会观察学生如何应对,以此来衡量其是否具备潜力,成长为一名反应迅速的员工。”

Easy application process


It’s become much easier to apply for these programs.


Dianping.com is a website offering consumer ratings and reviews for resturants, shopping, recreation and living services. The website has launched a nationwide student competition to select talents to join its summer internship program.


The first step towards snapping up an internship at Dianping.com is to spend 10 minutes taking a quiz about the website.


“Long and involved procedures are boring for young people. Companies need to simplify the application and make it fun,” said Ling Zhenwen, vice president of human resources at Dianping.com.


Jiang Jiapei, 20, a freshman majoring in economics and management at Tongji University, easily made it to the second stage of the Dianping.com competition.


Jiang’s task was to propose a new Internet product or service related to shopping. He came up with a creative idea: To transform group-purchasing websites so that they offer tailor-made coupons to a wide range of customers.


According to Ling, the competition aims at offering more opportunities to college juniors. So students won’t be tested much on their professional skills and knowledge.


Real-life challenges


Some internship programs, however, use real-life challenges to select candidates.


Liu Xia, senior HR manager at Unilever, revealed the competition’s prime concern: Offer students firsthand experience of their ideal careers.


“Marketing is more than brainstorming in a fancy meeting room. You also need to handle the stress and fatigue which comes with promoting your ideas,” said Liu.


Zhang Wenying, 20, a sophomore majoring in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language at Shanghai International Studies University, failed to make it, either. But she encourages her peers to enter such competitions early on at college to gain experience.


And opportunity comes only when you showcase yourself. Though Zhang’s micro blog failed to win her the Unilever internship, it did impress one of her alumni at a famous cosmetics company. The company subsequently invited Zhang to interview for an internship.



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