






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-17 19:13| 查看数: 1307| 评论数: 0|

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Remember joysticks? Those old things you used to control your game characters? Microsoft is hoping that you’ll forget all about them this winter. Earlier this month, it unleashed Kinect, a controller-free motion-gaming device for the Xbox 360 console.

还记得曾经的那些游戏操纵杆和角色操控设备吗?这个冬天,微软会让你将所有这些东西抛到脑后。本月初,该公司发布了一款适用于Xbox 360游戏平台的,无控制器运动游戏设备,并将其命名为:Kinect。

Remarkably, the device delivers on its promises. Kinect keeps much of the simplicity and charm that made the Nintendo Wii a hit. It also raises the bar for motion sensor devices. It is able to accurately map a player’s body and respond to their movements and even their voice commands.


Instead of using a physical controller to play games and movies on your Xbox 360, Kinect allows you to simply move your body–hands, feet, hips–to do everything.

有了Kinect,你只要动动手脚、扭扭屁股等身体部位便可控制游戏,Xbox 360游戏平台上所使用的动作操控杆已成为历史。

Kinect uses an infrared light and a camera to create a 3-D image of your play area. Anyone in the camera’s frame is also included in the image. From this, it can recognize body shapes and movements. Finally, it can quickly match the players’ images to a Kinect or Xbox Live profile.

借助红外光源和摄像头,Kinect会在玩家游戏区域的投射三维成像。只要保持身体在摄像头框幅内,你就会出现在三维图像中。通过这种方式,Kinect能够识别身体轮廓和动作。这样一来,它就能快速将玩家及其在Kinect或Xbox Live上的成像合二为一。

Kinect comes packaged with Kinect Adventures, a collection of sport and adventure games that make use of the Kinect motion camera. Multiple players can engage in challenges like a boat game (River Rush) and another game that combines dodgeball with bowling (Rally Ball).

与Kinect一同面世的还有Kinect Adventures。这是一套可以依靠Kinect感应摄像头操作的运动冒险游戏。其中很多游戏都可以让多个玩家同时参与挑战,比如划船游戏——River Rush,以及将躲避球和保龄球融合一起的Rally Ball。

And the games themselves are easy to learn and start playing. One example is Space Pop, where you flap your arms to fly in a low-gravity room and pop bubbles as they appear.

这些游戏简单易学,轻松入门。比如在Space Pop中,你只需拍动双臂在失重房间中飞翔,同时戳爆冒出来的气泡即可。

Motion-sensor gaming has now hit all three major gaming platforms. Nintendo’s Wii arrived first. Sony’s Move for PlayStation 3 added more realistic games, graphics and highly acute player control.

现在,运动传感游戏成为三大游戏平台的主打。先是任天堂推出了Wii。接着索尼为Playstation 3 量身打造Move,并融入更多逼真游戏、图形以及高精度的玩家操控体验。

Perhaps Microsoft Kinect does not give players the control over their characters that the Move does. However, it is likely to result in a much wider variety of games for players to enjoy. Kinect offer gamers rich new possibilities. I will forever more feel a touch guilty while sitting in that well-worn corner of my couch to play a video game.



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