






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-24 17:20| 查看数: 941| 评论数: 0|


  Apple's Find My Friends app is designed to make it easier for friends to meet up, showing a live location on screen via GPS which your friends can watch.   苹果的找朋友的软件的设计目的是为了让朋友遇见,它通过朋友间能看到的卫星定位在屏幕上活灵活现的现实你所处的位置。   The idea is to make it easier to find friends on a night out, or ensure that people don't get lost on holiday.   这是为了在晚上更容易找到外出的朋友,或者保证节假日出去玩人们不会走丢。   But one wronged New York husband claims that the app - which uses GPS to let designated friends 'see' where you are - has revealed that his wife was lying to him.   但是一位来自纽约的先生声称由于能用卫星定位系统看到朋友所处的位置,他甚至发现了他的妻子有外遇了。   He did, however, have to activate the app on her phone without her knowlege first. The service is 'opt in', so friends have to agree to 'watch' one another.   首先他没有经过妻子允许就进入了这个在妻子手机中的应用程序,所以朋友不得不同意进行视频。   The unnamed New Yorker, who posted on Mac forums, said, 'I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up Find My Friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friends house in the east village.'   在苹果论坛上的一位匿名的纽约人说,“我用我妻子的新的4s手机下载了找朋友这个软件,当然她其实并不知情。她那时告诉我她在东边的村庄的朋友家。”   'I've had suspicions about her meeting this guy who live uptown. Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there.'   “我一直怀疑她在和某个生活在城区中的人幽会,你看,这个软件就告诉我她就在那里!”   He claimed that the app showed that she was in Manhattan, not where she claimed she was.   该男子说这个软件显示说她妻子在曼哈顿,显然不是之前所说的东村的朋友家。   'I just texted her asking where she was and the dumb b***h said she was on 10th Street.'   “我发短信问她到底在哪,到底和谁在一起鬼混,她说她在第十大道。”   'Thank you Apple, thank you App Store, thank you all. These beautiful treasure trove of screen shots going to play well when I meet her at the lawyer's office in a few weeks.'   “我太感谢苹果了。这些东西在我几周前在律师事务所见她的时候还没有这样好呢。”   The technology isn't new, either. Users of previous versions of Apple software could have used the Find My iPhone software in much the same way, if they had someone's MobileMe password.   其实这个技术并不是新技术了。之前苹果的叫做找电话的软件就和这个类似,如果别人有你的帐户密码,这样做也是可以的。   Google's Latitude service offers a similar opt-in user-tracking service also. But so far, Latitude lacks the mainstream appeal of Apple products, and remains a niche technology



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