





金枝玉叶 世界上最贵的甜品

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-25 16:30| 查看数: 1464| 评论数: 0|


  As tempting as this dessert looks, you might just lose your appetite when you see the price tag.   当你被那些甜品所吸引的时候,看到它们的价钱你可能会瞬间失去胃口。   Styled like a Faberge Easter egg, the chocolate concoction will set you back an eye-watering ?22,000.   风格像费伯奇的复活节彩蛋这种巧克力的混合物有可能会花去你2万2千英镑。   It's believed to have battered all previous records courtesy of its lavish list of ingredients, which includes gold, champagne caviar and a two-carat diamond.   据悉,这道甜品包括了所有昂贵的材料,例如金子,鱼子酱和一枚两克拉的钻石。   Cadbury, eat your heart out: This dessert is made with four different types of finest Belgian chocolate and dressed with champagne caviar and gold leaf. The piece de resistance is a two-carat diamond   吉百利,吃掉你的心:这款甜点是由四种不同的但是最好的比利时巧克力做成的,外面还包裹了鱼子酱和金箔。最高的地方是那枚两克拉的钻石。   Expensive taste: Chef Marc Guibert's pudding is styled like this Faberge Easter egg made by Theo Faberge, the grandson of the official jeweler of the Russian court, Carl Faberge, which was worth ?22,000 ($35,000) in 2003   最昂贵的品位:马克·吉伯特的甜点特别像由俄罗斯的珠宝商人卡尔·费伯奇的孙子西欧·费伯奇做的2003年就价值2万2千英镑的费伯奇复活节彩蛋。   The pudding is made with four different types of the finest Belgian chocolate flavoured with a combination of peach, orange and whiskey.   这款甜点是由四种最好的比利时巧克力做成的,外面包裹着桃子酱,橘子酱和威士忌混合起来的酱料。   It is layered with champagne jelly and a light biscuit joconde and glazed with edible gold leaf.   它被放置在鱼子酱和饼干形状的蛋糕上,并用可以食用的金箔装饰。   Stephen Broughton, managing director of Lindeth Howe, said: 'Marc has used all of his culinary talents to whip up a truly incredible concoction of chocolate, champagne and gold leaf, all topped off with a diamond.   林德斯豪尔的总指挥史蒂芬·布劳顿说,“马克用了他全部的烹饪技巧来完成这个由巧克力鱼子酱,金箔和钻石合成在一起的蛋糕。”   'It looks spectacular, tastes incredible and has a price tag to match!'   “它看起来就很赏心悦目,吃起来更是美味至极,当然也是物有所值啦”   At ?22,000, the dessert easily breaks the world record currently held by New York's Serendipity 3 Restaurant, which was selling its Frrrozen Haute Chocolate last year for a cool ?15,730.   这款甜点以2万2千英镑的价格打破了之前在纽约一家餐馆卖出的1万5千7百30英镑的甜点销售记录。   Theirs contains 24 carat edible Swiss gold and is lined with 23 carat edible gold leaf.   那款甜点有24克拉的可以使用的瑞士金子,并且用23克拉的金箔做点缀。   But the British pudding will not take its place in the Guinness Book of World Records until a customer has deep enough pockets to order one - which must be done three weeks in advance.   但是英国的甜点师们决定知道有人能订的起它的时候,再将它收入吉尼斯世界纪录,因为这需要提前三周预定。   Lost its crown: Serendipity 3's Frrrozen Haute Chocolate was on sale at the New York restaurant for a record ?15,730 last year, but has now been outpriced by the Lake District's own recipe



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