






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-25 16:38| 查看数: 1239| 评论数: 0|


  The mummy in Torquay Museum had lain there for years is relatively uninteresting - until a visiting academic said, 'That's older than you think it is.'   这具木乃伊已经在Torquay博物馆里躺了好多年了,它一直相当令人乏味,直到一位来访的学者说:“这具木乃伊比人们想象要古老的多”。   Speaking to Mail Online today, museum curator Barry Chandler said, 'Dr Aidan Dodson, from Bristol University, looked at the design and realised it must have come from the Egyptian 'golden age - the time of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun.'   博物馆馆长Barry Chandler对每日邮报说:“来自布里斯托大学的Aidan Dodson博士在看到这具木乃伊的设计后,意识到它一定来自埃及的‘鼎盛时期’,也就是阿肯纳顿和图坦卡门时期。”   Not only that, the sarcophagus indicated it was made for a child of a high status, possibly even royal. It's among the most valuable such finds in Britain.   不仅如此,雕刻精美的石棺表明这是为一个地位很高的孩子造的,甚至或许是个皇室的孩子。这属于英国同类发现中最宝贵的一个。   Chandler says, 'Doctor Dodson looked at details - the inlaid eyes, the detailed, realistic knees, and realised the coffin was much, much older than previously thought. We now realise that it was 1,000 years older - and very high status, perhaps made for a vizier, or even for royalty.'   Chandler说:“Dodson博士看到了一些的细节,比如嵌入的眼睛、逼真写实的膝盖,于是他意识到这具棺材比先前设想的要古老的多。我们现在意识到它已经有1000岁了,并且有很高的地位。它很可能是为大臣建造的,甚至是为皇室建造的。”   Dr Aidan Dodson, from the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at Bristol University, examined the artefact and found it dated back to the reign of Thutmose III - the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, 3,500 years ago.   来自布里斯托大学考古学与人类学学院的Aidan Dodson检查了这一人工制品,发现它可以追溯至18世纪埃及王朝的图特摩斯三世统治时期,距今3500年。   Chandler said: “It’s an extraordinary discovery and means that the coffin is now the most spectacular exhibit in our entire collection. Cut from a cedar wood, it is exquisitely carved, inlaid and painted. For a child to have been given something like that, he must have had very important parents - perhaps even the king and queen.”   Chandler说:“这真是一个不同寻常的发现,这意味着这具棺材是我们现在所有展出的藏品中最惊人的一个。香柏木木材、雕刻精美、镶嵌装饰并且描画涂漆。给一个孩子这样的待遇,说明这个孩子一定有地位很重的父母,甚至有可能是国王和王后。”   “Unfortunately, the part of the inscription which had named the boy and his parents is so badly damaged that we cannot be certain.”



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