





男人离婚不好过 女人离婚第二春

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-26 16:07| 查看数: 1538| 评论数: 2|


  The survey revealed that men suffer far more in emotional terms than women — and are much more likely to let themselves go and not eat properly. In the year after divorce, 48 per cent of men describe themselves as feeling 'very lonely’, compared with just 35 per cent of women.   随着离婚率的日益升高,人们对于婚姻这件事愈发谨慎,有一些好事的专家调查了离婚后的男女生活状况,他们发现男人在离婚后的生活质量大大降低、放纵自己、饮食不规范、体重大增,有48%的男人声称自己感到异常孤独,相反,离婚后的女人日子却越过越滋润,感到自己孤独的女性百分比只占到总人数的38%.   Men often bear the financial brunt of divorce, too, finding themselves supporting the family they have left behind and somehow having to finance a new roof over their own head, too. If they meet someone new, they are then faced with the prospect of supporting their new partner and any additional children.   据分析,男人在离婚后会开始再一次面临自己自结婚后生命中新一轮的“经济危机”,为了自己的爱情、新爱情,重新担当起经济支柱,也就是说,刚刚因经济压力过重而离婚的男人们,再一次掉进痛苦的深渊。   Women, the survey stated, find it much easier to ‘move on’ and leave the past behind, and have a far wider emotional support network of friends. As a result, it is perhaps no surprise that more women than ever are initiating divorce. The latest UK figures for 2009 show that 68 per cent of the 113,949 divorce proceedings that year were started by women.   然而调查称,对于女人来说,离婚后的日子相对男人来说会比较舒适,因女性会拥有一堆支持自己的闺蜜可以倾诉的原因,女人抛开过去、展望未来的能力比男性要高。结果是,越来越多的独立女性因不满自己的婚姻生活而主动向男方提离婚,英国2009年在近12万的离婚案例中,有68%的女人为离婚主动申请一方。   More long-term marriages are ending, too — divorce initiated by women in the age 45-plus bracket rose by an astonishing 30 per cent in the ten years between 1997 and 2007.   据悉,在1997到2007年10年间,年过45岁主动提离婚的女性人数逐年攀升,达到30%。   'Women seem to cope much better emotionally with divorce. They have a wider network of friends, find it much easier to talk about their emotions than men, and although they are not always better off financially, they often use divorce as the springboard to a new career'   Adam Witkover, divorce lawyer

  离婚律师Adam Witkover说:“女人在面对离婚的时候会更感性化,因性别关系,她们平时更愿意同闺蜜倾诉自己的感情生活,相比男人来说不会那么憋屈,离婚对于女人来说不是世界末日,有更多的女人愿意把离婚当作自己重新投身事业的新起点。”


zhuyingyu 发表于 2012-10-26 12:28:23
mengruyuan 发表于 2012-10-26 18:25:36
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