





行走在剃刀边缘 俄极限摄影爱好者

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-26 16:20| 查看数: 972| 评论数: 0|


  Let’s meet the real-life sky walker.   让我们来会一会现实生活中的天空行走者。   The photographer who risks his life from sky - high buildings to take incredible photos of the world below.   冒着生命危险,摄影师从耸天高楼上拍摄了惊人的相片,表现脚下的世界。   Russian student Marat Dupri, 19, bought a Canon camera 18 months ago and immediately decided to start taking shots of beautiful views.   19岁的俄罗斯学生马拉·杜普利在18个月前买了一部佳能数码相机,他立刻决定开始拍摄美丽的景观。   Together with his fearless friends and models, he has sneaked past guards at some of Moscow's tallest structures - to produce incredible yet stomach-churning images.   为了创作出不可思议、甚至是令人的反胃的照片,在一些大胆的朋友和模特们的陪伴下,他悄悄的绕过守卫,溜进莫斯科那些最高的建筑中。   Marat said: “When I am on the roof I have a feeling that the whole world is by my feet. All my problems and trouble are left somewhere down. The height exhilarates me. I am enjoying with my home town views. It gives me energy and fills with enthusiasm to make new and great shots.”   马拉说:“我在屋顶行走时,感觉整个世界都在我脚下。所有的难题,所有的烦恼都被遗忘在某个处。高度让我兴奋,我喜欢站在高处欣赏我的家乡。这让我充满能力与热情,去拍摄新的壮观的照片。”   “I wanted to try and get the most spectacular pictures I could - pictures like no-one else had taken before. I think the risks are worth it to take such amazing pictures.”   “我试着尽我所能拍摄最壮观的、从未有人拍摄过的照片。我觉得为了拍出这些惊艳的照片,所有的冒险都是值得的。”   The incredible photos show the teens walking in the sky, as they perch hundreds of feet in the air on pylons, or walking on the edge of a high building with NO safety harnesses that could plummet to earth at any time.   这些难以置信的照片显示,这些十几岁的孩子们在天空中行走。他们栖身在在空中数百英尺高地的桥塔上,或是在高楼房顶的边缘行走,他们没有任何的安全带等措施,随时可能跌落地下。   The teens even took photos on the top of the Moscow tower - one of the highest buildings in Europe. Marat added: “it was really difficult to take photos there because of the wind. ‘That was the most dangerous photo I have taken, it was pretty scary.”   这些孩子们甚至在莫斯科塔塔顶拍摄了照片,这是欧洲最高的建筑之一。马拉增加说:在这座建筑上面拍摄非常困难,因为风很大。这是拍摄途中最危险的一次,拍摄的时候我提心吊胆。   “I've also taken pictures from a 270 metre high radio mast that was still in use. I got a huge adrenalin rush from taking the pictures, but I had a severe headache for several days after - I think it was from radiation. It was worth it to get such amazing photos though.”



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