





生日决定命运 星座影响职场生涯

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-27 17:03| 查看数: 917| 评论数: 0|


  If you’ve always dreamed of having a dentist for a child, then make sure you give birth in December. But if you are hoping for a debt collector, then January is definitely your month. That is the conclusion of researchers who have analysed the birth months of people in 19 separate occupations using information from the last census.   还在为自己的孩子就业发愁么?科学家最近总结的一份“就业与出生月份”的报告可能会暂时排解诸多家长们的忧虑,专家称12月出生的孩子,长大后当上牙医的几率较大。倘若希望自己的孩子日后当上会计师的话,将孩子生在1月份将会是一个不错的选择。据悉,这是研究员针对19个职业的数据与从事该职业的人出生月份做对比而得到的。   The results appear to indicate that a person’s month of birth could make them statistically more likely to end up as a footballer – or a bricklayer. In January, GPs and debt collectors were found to be the professions with the greatest percentage above the monthly average. At the opposite end of the scale, it is a bad month for sheet-metal workers. A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist, and March is good for pilots, according to the study by the Office for National Statistics. April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions.   这项研究似乎通过儿童出生月份就能“预测”未来职业动向,受到许多准妈妈的欢迎。在统计数据中,1月份出生的人当会计师几率较高,而2月份出生的人更适合当艺术家;有意思的是,倘若希望自己的小孩日后当上飞行员,那么3月份让孩子出生将会是一个不错的选择。至于4月份以及5月份更适合从事职业的数据还未被统计出来,因这两月职业领域分布太分散的原因。   Meanwhile, births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist. For those born in September the two occupations with the greatest percentage above average were sports players and physicists. The two jobs least likely to be taken up by September babies were found to be bricklayers and hairdressers, while December is said to be rich with dentists   此外,科学家还给出了更为宽广的职业选择,经分析,夏天出生的孩子日后当上“高薪足球队员”或者医生、牙医的几率比较低,而对于9月份出生的孩子来说,他们日后当上体育选手或者物理学家的几率会相当高哦!此外,9月份处女座的孩子们当上砖瓦工、以及理发师的几率较低,12月的孩子比较有希望当牙医。   Certain jobs, notably chief executives of large companies and estate agents, are spread relatively evenly throughout the year.Children born in September are shown to have a significant advantage over August births in the early years of education, almost certainly because they were born at the start of the school year and are the oldest in the class.   要是想算算看自己的孩子能不能当上大型公司的CEO总裁啊什么的,那可能您要失望,因为CEO几率平均分散在12个月份中,出生在9月份的孩子比8月份的孩子在学龄前教育接受能力方面要高许多。   Research suggests many of the differences are linked to a mother’s exposure to sunlight in pregnancy.Sunlight triggers the production of vitamin D in the body and lack of this in the first months of life may have long-lasting effects. Speaking earlier this year Russell Foster, an Oxford University neuroscientist, said: ‘These are small effects but they are very, very clear. I am not giving voice to astrology – it’s nonsense – but we are not immune to seasonal interference.’

  研究员分析,生日与职业之间的密切联系与母亲在怀孕期间接受阳光的照射程度关系密切,阳光可以促进人体内维他命D的产生,然而缺乏阳光的照射、特别在胚胎发育的早期,对母婴会有巨大影响。来自牛津大学的神经系统科学家Russell Foster说:“我们不是迷信,也不是支持占星术什么的,但是不能否认的是季节性影响会会婴儿发育有巨大影响。”


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