






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-27 17:21| 查看数: 879| 评论数: 0|

The average job interview is usually an incredibly stressful occasion at the best of times, as you battle it out with other candidates all vying for the same position. But in leaner economic times when more applicants are going for fewer jobs, companies are making candidates sweat even more by asking increasingly bizarre questions during the interview process.   又到一年毕业时,工作岗位再一次面临“僧多粥少”的局面,而毕业生找工作免不了要接受应聘公司的轮番面试。不管学生在网上“百度”后查到的面试考题有多少,也不管同学们怎么样“处心积虑”地准备面试答案,还是要坚信“山外还有一山高”这个道理,如今的面试考官绝对不会让同学们那么轻易过关。所以,各种标新立异、花样翻新的面试考题也就“冒”了出来。


  Massive global corporations like Facebook, Google and Citigroup are just some of the firms responsible, asking about anything from table tennis strategies to Russian roulette and Subway sandwiches. Some other posers put to interviewees include, 'Estimate how many planes there are in the sky', and 'How many cocktail umbrellas are there in a given times in the United States?' The list of the top 20 most bizarre interview questions was compiled by Glassdoor.com to provide anaonymous shared information on interview tips.   最出名的社交网“脸谱网”以及“花旗集团”的考官们的考题已经让同学们“摸不着边际”了,比如:乒乓球战略、俄罗斯轮盘甚至地铁三明治等等。甚至考题竟然问到:天空中到底有多少架飞机?或者:全美的鸡尾酒里面配有多少把小花雨伞呢?这些考题不仅仅在网上找不到答案,也能让考生发挥自己的想象力,避免了“统一化”的雷同卷的出现。以下是20道全球500强公司的面试考题,或许会让你笑掉大牙呢!   TOP 20 MOST BIZARRE REAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS   10大最最最诡异的面试考题   Facebook: 25 racehorses, no stopwatch, five tracks. Figure out the top three fastest horses in the fewest number of races.   脸谱网:25匹赛马;没有秒表;5条跑道。通过多少场比赛(最少)才能计算出跑得最快的前三匹马   Citigroup: What is your strategy at table tennis?   花旗集团:你玩乒乓球的战术是什么?   Google: You are climbing a staircase. Each time you can either take one step or two. The staircase has n steps. In how many distinct ways can you climb the staircase?   谷歌:设想一下你现在在爬楼梯,每一次你可以一次性登上一级或者两级台阶。楼梯的台阶有N个。请问,你有多少种直接方法可以爬到楼梯的最高处?   Gryphon Scientific: How many cocktail umbrellas are there in a given time in the United States?   Gryphon科技:全美的鸡尾酒里面配有多少把小花雨伞呢?   Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Would you be okay hearing 'no' from seven out of 10 customers?   出租汽车公司Rent-A-Car:你可以接受10个客户中有7个人对你说“不”么 ?   Towers Watson: Estimate how many planes are there in the sky.   韬睿惠悦:天上的飞机究竟有多少个呢?   Pottery Barn: If I was a genie and could give you your dream job, what and where would it be?   家居用品陶瓷谷仓:设想如果我是一个天才,我能给于你理想的工作,工作会是什么?工作会在哪里?   Kiewit Corp: What did you play with as a child?   Kiewit Corp:你还是小孩的的时候,你是怎么样玩耍的?   VWR International: How would you market a telescope in 1750 when no one knows about orbits, moons, etc.   Volkswagen: What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria from your uncle?   大众汽车(财富500强公司之一):如果你从你叔叔那继承了一块披萨饼,你会怎么做?   VWR国际:回到1750年,那时候没有人知道什么月球、星际轨道之类的,我要是让你去推销一个天文望远镜,你会用什么方法?   'When faced with tough questions like these, take a deep breath, slow down and then sound out your thinking process aloud and walk the interviewer through how you get to an answer.   专家建议:“当考试的时候面对这些稀奇古怪的考题的时候,先深呼吸,放慢节奏,理清思路,自信地走到评委前面,说出你的第一反应你的答案。”   'If you feel the question is unrelated to the job or company, before trying to respond, very politely ask the interviewer, 'In order to best get to what you are looking for from me, can you provide more detail as to how the problem relates to how problems are solved here?'



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