






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-28 19:33| 查看数: 890| 评论数: 0|

We all know that too little exercise can pack on the pounds and contribute to heart disease and other ills, but a new study published in the European Heart Journal on Jan. 12 shows that we can even cause ourselves harm simply by sitting for too long without moving. And what office worker doesn't spend much of the day in that position?   大家都知道,运动过少会使得体重增加,从而增大了患上心脏及其他方面的疾病,但据一项最新的医学报告指出,久坐不动其实对于我们的身体健康也会造成伤害,然而上班族坐办公室,还能有其他的姿势么?


  The study was the first to look at the heart health consequences of prolonged sitting among a large and diverse group. Researchers collated data from 4,757 participants who were all part of the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2003 and 2006.   这份报告是首次大规模地探寻了心脏健康以及长时间保持坐着状态之间的因果关系,研究人员收集整理了在2003年到2006年间参加美国全国健康和营养调查的4757名受访者的相关数据。   The subjects wore accelerometers which measure the intensity of their physical activity 14.6 hours a day for seven days. Investigators then measured waist circumference, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and C-reactive protein concentrations to determine heart health. In a subset of the group, they also measured markers of diabetes: levels of triglycerides, plasma glucose and insulin.   受测者携带了运动测量仪器,以测取他们在七天之内14.6小时之中的运动量。研究人员还分别测量了他们的腰围、血压、胆固醇水平以及反应蛋白浓度,通过对于这些数据的分析来确定受测者的健康水平。他们还另外测量了一组人的尿样以分析甘油三酯、血糖和胰岛素水平。   The results were unmistakable: prolonged sedentary periods led to larger waist sizes and higher levels of blood fats, even if subjects participated in regular sessions of moderate to rigorous exercise outside of their inactive hours. So who fared the best? Those who did both regular exercise and took breaks to stand or walk at regular intervals.   研究结果毫无偏差地反映了这样一个事实,长时间坐着不动会导致腰围增大,血脂水平升高,而且这样的现象不会因为受测者在其余的时间内有参与体育锻炼的习惯而改变。然而究竟要怎么避免这样的情况呢?专家表示,除了要有固定的运动时间以外,久坐过程中不时的站立和行走都有助于改善情况。   "Our research showed that even small changes, which could be as little as standing up for one minute, might help to lower this health risk," lead author Genevieve Healy, a research fellow at the University of Queensland, Australia said in a statement.   “我们的研究显示,哪怕是非常小的改变,你如说一分钟的站立,这也能降低健康的风险”,昆士兰大学的学者Genevieve Healy说。   "It is likely that regular breaks in prolonged sitting time could be readily incorporated into the working environment without any detrimental impact on productivity, although this still needs to be determined by further research. 'Stand up, move more, more often' could be used as a slogan to get this message across."   “在必须长时间坐着的情况下,定时的小憩和活动可以在任何工作环境下进行,并不会影响到工作效率,我们鼓励大家在工作中尽量多的站起来,动一动。”   But, Healy added, breaks alone aren't enough. Neglecting the regular, vigorous exercise part undoes a lot of the good standing and moving does.



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