






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-29 17:28| 查看数: 885| 评论数: 1|


  Brown, yellow, black and blue, their feet parade down the brightly, if unforgivingly, lit catwalk.   棕色,黄色,黑色还有蓝色,毫不夸张的说,模特行走在鲜艳色彩中的脚将整个T台点燃。   Rather than simply showing the best of the latest designer clothes and shoes, the catwalk also draws unwelcome attention to the models' limbs.   相对于单纯的展示最新设计的衣服还有鞋子,T台上模特的四肢也引来了大量的不必要的关注。   Beautiful though they are, these supermodels have shockingly bruised feet, heels and ankles - the result of four weeks of squeezing into uncomfortable, ill-fitting shoes on the runways of New York, London, Milan and Paris.   尽管她们是非常漂亮的超级模特,但是她们的脚以及脚踝已经严重受伤,这都是连续四周在纽约,伦敦,米兰和巴黎的时装展上穿着不合适的高跟鞋导致的。   At Louis Vuitton, ankles were marked and scarred, toes a deep purple and yellow, many heels bruised shades of brown and green.   在路易威登的展示台旁,很多模特的脚踝都结疤了,脚趾头也呈现出一种深紫和暗黄色,脚后跟也都被磨成了棕绿色。   Crystal Copland, who opened last week's Louis Vuitton show in Paris, spoke to WWD, explaining that it's the 'majors' - the four most famous fashion weeks - that demand more of their models when it comes to walking in designer heels.   上周宣布路易威登时尚展在巴黎开幕的水晶·科普兰,在女装日报上解释说,这是最著名的四个时装周之一,所以就要求有更多的模特穿着设计好的高跟鞋出现在T台上。   'Walking is a little different in Australia though. When I got to New York, they were telling me like 40 times a day how to walk and they were always like "Faster, faster, you’re not going fast enough,"' she said in the interview.   “但是在澳大利亚的略有不同。当我去纽约的时候,他们每天都要告诉我近乎40遍怎样走快,然后告诉我说,快点快点,你走的不够快”,在采访中她这样说到。   The Australian model, 20, also revealed another downside of the work: 'The hair pulling. I’ve lost half of my hair in the past month because it just gets ripped out,' she said.   20岁的澳大利亚模特,还透露了工作的另一面,她说,“头发每天都被拽着,这一个月过去之后,我的头发基本都没有了。”   'But it’ll grow back. I mean, you just have to think you’re there to work and that’s part of your work. That’s how I get through it.'   “但是它还是会长回来的。我的意思是说,你只需要知道你来这里是为了工作的,这只是你工作的一部分。这就是我怎样度过难关的。”   'Models know their feet are in for a tough time during the shows. The majority of catwalk shoes, like the clothes, are sample size, normally a size 40. Unless they're lucky enough to have size 40 feet, the girls face four weeks of either squashing their feet into shoes that are too small, or trying not to fall out of shoes that are too big.   模特们都知道展示会期间他们的脚惨不忍睹。大部分的T台的鞋子都和衣服一样是同样的尺码,40码。除非他们足够幸运有40码的脚,否则他们要不然就要忍受着鞋子或大或小不舒服的感觉。   Some of the pictures show such badly injured feet that questions have been raised about their veracity. It certainly stands to reason that make-up artists would attempt to cover bruises before models take to the warts-and-all honesty of the catwalk.   一些图片展示了他们的脚伤有多么厉害。这就是为什么很多化妆师试图用化妆来掩饰他们在T台上时脚部所受的伤。   Our fashion insiders’ comments go some way in explaining last year’s Balenciaga line of flat, mannish shoes – said to be in deference to Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen’s refusal to wear sky-high heels – while supermodel-turned-designer Iman recently said that she tries to avoid heels at all costs.



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