





LV最新广告 大胆启用16岁嫩模做代言

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-29 17:51| 查看数: 1167| 评论数: 0|

著名的奢侈品牌LV最近曝光了一组新的广告宣传画,相对于曾经担任LV代言的麦当娜等大明星来说,照片里是有些陌生的新面孔,而这些模特的特点是都是平均年纪在18岁的嫩模,最小年纪是还未成年的16岁。   据报道这些嫩模是在前两年的模特精英大赛上脱颖而出的,当时她们最小年纪仅有14岁,而她们的加入给奢侈品注入的清新的活力,嫩模们的脸庞略显稚嫩,可能不如老模们可以把奢侈品诠释的很优雅,不过也给LV增加了新的理念。模特们的拍摄背景是在高级轿车上,嫩模们手里拿着新一季的LV包包,戴着很复古的帽子,几乎每个宣传画都有一两只小狗的出现。   LV的艺术总监马克-雅各布介绍说,这是一流的广告策划,向人们传递的信息是出游,年轻美女与宠物狗的结合会让人们感受到青春的活力,和调皮古怪精灵的感觉。



  A 16-year-old who won her modelling contract in a competition has been announced as the new face of Louis Vuitton.   Nyasha Maronhodze entered the modelling world just two years ago after winning the UK Elite Model Look competition in 2009.   The student was scouted in the street in her Northamptonshire hometown by the model agency and invited down to London to take part in the contest.   The schoolgirl, who arrived for her first casting wearing her school uniform - experienced a meteoric rise through the echelons of the fashion industry, with an impressive debut season that saw her walking for shows including Louise Gray, Clements Ribeiro, Jonathan Saunders during London Fashion Week SS11 as well as Loewe, Emanuel Ungaro, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac and Louis Vuitton in Paris.   And now, the industry newcomer models couture clothes from Louis Vuitton's latest collection in a slick advertising campaign art directed by the label's creative head, Marc Jacobs and shot by world-renowned fashion photographer Stephen Meisel.   Youth trumps experience in the latest campaign as the Zimbabwe-born student, along with a group of five young pretenders, replace their more mature counterparts as the new faces for the fashion house.   The rest of the youthful line up includes models Zuzanna Bijoch, 17, Daphne Groeneveld 16, Gertrud Hegelund, 20, Ana?s Pouliot, 19, and Fei Fei Sun, 21 - who together have an average age of 18.   The girls take over from Kristen McMenamy, 46, Raquel Zimmermann, 28, and Freja Beha Erichsen, 23, who for the past two seasons have brought an elegant touch of maturity and sophistication to Louis Vuitton's campaigns.

  Uma Thurman, now 41, and Madonna, 52, have also starred in past campaigns.


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