





全球最高女模特 腿长1米如摩天大楼

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-29 18:10| 查看数: 947| 评论数: 0|

At 6 feet 8 inches, model Amazon Eve has already been named the world's tallest model by the Federation of World Records,and she is set to take her career to new heights.

  身高6英尺8英寸(2米零3),伊芙·亚玛逊已经被the Federation of World Records承认为全球最高女模。而今她的事业又将走上新的高度。



  At 6 feet 8 inches, model Amazon Eve has already been named the world's tallest model by the Federation of World Records,and she is set to take her career to new heights.

  身高6英尺8英寸(2米零3),伊芙·亚玛逊已经被the Federation of World Records承认为全球最高女模。而今她的事业又将走上新的高度。   Next month, she'll go before Guinness World Records officials to see how she sizes up for a Guinness world record title.   下个月,她将在吉尼斯世界纪录认证官员面前走台步,看看自己能否获得一个吉尼斯世界纪录的头衔。   Boasting a 40-inch inseam and 38DD bust, the model started her modeling career in November 2009 after being discovered by an editor at Zoo Weekly in Australia, Eve said on her personal website. The men's magazine featured the bikini-clad Eve towering over another model whose head barely reached the amazon's chest.   40英寸(1米)的长腿,38DD的巨乳,伊芙·亚玛逊被澳大利亚男性杂志《Zoo Weekly》的一名编辑挖掘到,从2009年11月开始了自己的模特生涯。这本杂志上放了伊芙穿着比基尼的照片,而在她身旁的另一名模特身高勉强达到伊芙的胸部,伊芙就像一座高塔气势压人。   Today, about 30 percent of her income comes from modeling and print campaigns.   如今,伊芙大约30%的收入都是来自于模特工作以及平面广告。   Guinness officials still need to confirm Eve's modeling career before they give her the record for tallest model, but the beauty told aolnews.com she's not worried about the outcome.   吉尼斯的官员在授予她最高模特的头衔之前还要先确认她确实是个模特,但是美人自己说她并不担心结果。   "They are going to measure me at morning, noon and night, so we'll see," she told the website. "However, the previous record holder is 6 foot 4, so it looks good."   伊芙说:“他们早中晚都会为我测量身高,让我们等着瞧吧。之前的纪录保持者身高是6英尺4英寸,所以我感觉没什么问题。”   Prior to modeling, Eve said she's worked as a certified personal trainer. She's also done stints as a wrestler and has some experience acting.



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