






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-30 16:16| 查看数: 806| 评论数: 0|


  Here’s a blueprint for a happier, wiser us: why don’t celebrities leave us alone? I’m not being harsh. My plan allows them to do whatever it is they do – act, sing, marry Tom Cruise – but in return it requires full disclosure when they embark on the inevitable second career, particularly if that career involves becoming “creative” or “artistic” director of a venerable fashion label.

  这是一幅让我们更快乐、更睿智的蓝图:为什么名人不能不抢我们的饭碗呢?并不是我刻薄,我的意见是他们可以做任何他们想做的事——演戏、唱歌、嫁给汤姆·克鲁斯——但如果他们一定要从事第二职业,特别是如果这个职业是成为一个令人敬仰的时尚品牌的“创意”总监或“艺术”总监时,作为交换条件,他们所做的事一定要透明公开。   I accepted – didn’t we all?– their eagerness to slap their name on any old tat for what it was: eagerness to make (even more) money. But now that they’re invading territory that was formerly the preserve of people who survived on water and baked beans for years while they pinned frocks and learnt their craft, some transparency is called for. Christian Lacroix is currently underemployed since the house he nurtured for two decades no longer makes clothes. Meanwhile, Sarah Jessica Parker has three jobs – acting,producing and, latterly, “creative directing” for Halston.

  我理解他们为了挣钱(挣比现在更多的钱)想要把自己的名字印在旧粗布上的急切心情,我们所有人不都很理解吗?不过既然他们侵犯了以前这一行当的人艰苦生活、缝制连衣裙、学习技艺多年才打下的这片天地,那么就应有一些透明度。自克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦苦心经营了20 年的品牌不再制作衣服后,目前他就一直被大材小用。而与此同时,莎拉·杰西卡·帕克则身兼三职——演戏、制片,还有最近担任了品牌候司顿的“创意总监”。


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