






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-30 16:50| 查看数: 1153| 评论数: 0|


  Dr. Timothy Johnson: What should we be worried about in terms of our feet, as we step up our activity in the spring?   蒂摩西·约翰逊医生:随着我们在春季的运动量增多,应该注意哪些脚部问题呢?   Dr. Paul Greenberg: Uh, the main things to be worried about in the springtime is, as we increase our activity, we are prone to overuse injuries, and other damage to the foot. Now, one of the most common types of overuse injuries we see Heel Spur Syndrome, or Plantar Fasciitis. We see ankle sprains, we see Achilles Tendonitis, we see stress fractures. Um, other common complaints in the springtime,as people start to wear, let’s say, open-toed shoes, is uh,Athlete’s Foot, or Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis.   保罗·格林伯格生:呃,我们在春季主要应该注意的脚部问题是:由于我们的运动量增加,很容易造成过劳性损伤以及脚部的其他损伤。目前,最常见的一种过劳性损伤是跟骨骨刺综合症或足底筋膜炎。我们要当心脚踝扭伤、跟腱炎和足部应力性骨折。嗯,因为人们开始穿所谓的露趾鞋,脚气(即脚癣)和甲真菌病也是春季的多发病。   Dr. Timothy: A fungus infection?   蒂摩西医生:是真菌感染吗?   Dr. Paul: Correct. Toenail fungus. As people start to exercise more,Heel Spur Syndrome is a very, very common complaint, it comprises fifteen percent of all adult complaints of the foot. It’s due to an inflammation of a ligament called the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot. Uh…self treatment to prevent this includes stretching exercises, like a calf stretch, um, proper athletic shoes, and avoiding flimsy shoes such as flip flops, and shoes that don’t give a lot of support.



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