






发布者: KK | 发布时间: 2011-12-7 18:44| 查看数: 1028| 评论数: 0|

U4999P42DT20111129094019.jpg 俄罗斯女孩克里斯蒂娜

  That's one swell pout! Woman desperate to look like Jessica Rabbit gets world's biggest lips after 100 injections (and she's not stopping there)


  A woman desperate to look like Jessica Rabbit has won the dubious honour of being in possession of the world's biggest lips after having 100 silicone injections.


  Kristina Rei from St Petersburg, Russia, 22, was convinced her thin lips made her ugly so she opted to have them enlarged in the style of her favourite cartoon character, at a cost of more than £4,000.


  Now the nail technician admits she has an addiction, but still plans to have her so-called trout pout made even more outrageous.

  克里斯蒂娜是一位专业美甲师,她承认自己已经丰唇上瘾了,并计划继续手术让自己的 “鲑鱼嘟嘴” 看起来更夸张。

  Each injection costs roughly £40 and is 'extremely painful' but Kristina insists nothing will stop her.


  She said: "I think I look fantastic and it makes me happy. Sometimes strangers shout names at me in the street - like big lips - but I don't care."

  她表示:“我觉得自己看起来很棒,这让我很开心。有时候会有陌生人在大街上喊我 ‘大嘴巴’ 之类的,但是我不在乎。”

  Kristina said she always believed her lips were too small and used to compare them to those around her.


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  She said,"My older sister Ira had beautiful, full lips and I loved Jessica Rabbit's huge lips. She was my idea of the perfect woman."


  At the age of 17, Kristina went to a local beauty parlour for her first lip injection.


  "After that I started having them regularly - the beauticians never seem to be surprised when I turn up for more injections."


  She said: "My big lips have helped boost my confidence. Even my parents are happy for me. They really don't care about my appearance. Some of my friends have told me I shouldn't go any bigger but I'm not satisfied yet."


  Despite constant staring from strangers, Kristina, who has never had a boyfriend, loves her bizarre appearance.


  "Sometimes I like the attention I get like when people try to film me on their mobile phones. Some of the abuse has been hurtful - I've been told I look like a man but those people are idiots.' Kristina insists she can eat, speak and kiss just the same as before and hasn't suffered any painful after-effects."

  有时我会享受路人对我的注意,比如有时候人们会用手机拍我。不过有些人的谩骂真的很伤人,有人说我长得像男人。他们都是傻瓜。” 克里斯蒂娜坚持表示她一切如常,吃饭、讲话、亲吻,完全不受影响。她也表示没有遭受任何痛苦的后遗症的折磨。

  She is so happy with the modification that she is planning to go further and have surgery in the future.


  She said:"When I can afford it I want to enlarge my breasts from a C-cup to a DD, change the shape of my nose and I want to make my ears pointed like an elf. It's good to be different."


  兔子杰西卡:性感美貌的卡通人物形象,出自1988年上映的卡通电影《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》(Who Framed Roger Rabbit)。


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