






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-12-9 00:17| 查看数: 1605| 评论数: 0|

826 is the name of a non-profit organization that works to help students become better writers by thinking creativity. 826 is also the address of the first centre where this literary arts programme began in 2002. Author Dave Aggers and educator Nenevey Caligary started the programme in California at 826 Valencia street in Fransisco. It now serves 30,000 students through writing and tutoring centers in eight American cities.

826是一个非盈利性组织的名字,该组织致力于通过创造性思维帮助学生成为更好的作家。826也是这个始于2002年的文学艺术项目的第一个(写作和辅导)中心的地址。作家Dave Aggers和教育家Nenevey Caligary在加州旧金山市瓦伦西亚街826号创建了这个项目。该项目现在已经通过美国8个城市的写作和辅导中心为3万名学生提供了服务。

826 Valencia street is a fun place for students and visitors. At the front is a pirate supplies store, think of the kind of place where captain Jack Sperrow from Pirates of the Caribbean might shop.


Leigh Lehman is the executive director, she says the idea of entering through a pirates store is meant to get students not to think of the place as an education center.

莉·雷曼(Leigh Lehman)担任该项目执行主任,她说,通过一家海盗商店进到里面来,是想让学生不要把这里当作是一个教育中心。

LEIGH LEHMAN: "This is not school; this is not a tutoring center. This is a place for me to be myself and to find my voice and find my creativity and excel."


The goal is to help public school students between six and eighteen years old write creatively. During the day, teachers bring classes on field trips and volunteers help with writing projects. After school, students come for help with creative writing and their school work. Yes, it is a tutoring center.


826 Valencia is located in a mostly Latino neighborhood. Ms. Leemon say many of the children are from immigrant families.


LEIGH LEHMAN: "A lot of the parents don't speak English as a first language so it's harder for them to help their children with school work. So we're trying to provide the services that parents wouldn't otherwise be able to offer their kids for free."


Each 826 center around the country has a different theme – from a pirates store in San Francisco to a store for spies in Chicago.


The National Chief Executive Gerald Richards, says budge cuts in public schoolsmean less money for arts education. And, As that goes away, he says, so does the ability for students to use their imagination.

全美首席执行官杰拉尔德·理查兹(Gerald Richards)表示,削减公立学校预算意味着在文艺教育上投入的钱更少,学生的想象能力也随之消失。

GERALD RICHARDS: "I think there is much more of a focus on science, technology, engineering and math. There's a lot of a focus on testing and a lot of the teaching that's going on in the schools is focusing on the test and passing the test rather than thinking about how do we get kids to think."


Mister Richards points out that thinking creativity is also important in the sciences. And knowing how to write well will help students get to college and beyond.


GERALD RICHARDS: "For jobs and employers and just every subject, it's the ability to communicate well really does open a lot of doors."


Leigh Lehman says 826 builds confidence, Students can publish and sell their work at places like the pirate supplies store and on the Internet.


In 2010, the programs across the country published nine hundred forty-four volumes of student writing.


Ms. Lehman says students are proud when their writing gets published. One of the students in San Franciscois Sofia Marquez.

雷曼女士说,当学生们的作品发表时,他们都非常自豪。索非亚·马尔克斯(Sofia Marquez)是旧金山的学生之一。

SOFIA MARQUEZ: "I get to use my imagination - that's why I like writing."



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