





划起龙舟驱鬼怪 千千情结端午粽

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-12 16:24| 查看数: 1005| 评论数: 0|

After the practice, Juliet goes back to Bryan's house.   训练后,朱丽叶回到布赖恩的家。 tc050321002.jpg   Juliet:You have branches on your door, too! Why do people do that around the time of Dragon Boat Festival?   朱丽叶:你的门上也插有艾草的枝条!为什么人们在端午节期间都会这么做?   Bryan:Chinese believe there are more ghosts and sickness in summer. These branches keep them away!   布赖恩:中国人相信夏天会有较多鬼怪的出现和疾病的发生。这些枝条就是要来驱走它们!   Juliet:Is that also why your sisters are wearing those sachets?   朱丽叶:这也是你的姊妹都戴着香包的原因吗?

  Bryan:Yes! We believe the strong smell will keep them healthy.

  布赖恩:没错!我们认为那强烈的香味可以使她们保持健康。   Juliet:I don't want to get sick either!   朱丽叶:我也不想生病!   Bryan:Then drink some of this realgar wine.   布赖恩:那么就喝一些雄黄酒吧

  Juliet:What if that's not enough? I'd better go home to make some sachets too. No ghosts are going to get me!

  朱丽叶:如果那还是不够呢?我最好也回家做一些香包,这样就没有鬼怪把我抓走了!   tc050321001.jpg  补充词汇   1. branch n.树枝,枝条   2. sachet n.香包   3. realgar wine n.雄黄酒   4. racing n.赛船,赛马,赛跑   5. drummer n.鼓手   6. flag-catcher n.夺标手   有趣的端午习俗:

  在端午节这一天,你试过玩“立蛋”(balance an egg on its end at exactly noon)的游戏吗?根据中国的民间传说,如果能在这天成功地将鸡蛋竖立起来,就表示你在未来一年中有好运相随(the rest of the year will be lucky )!


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