






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-14 16:01| 查看数: 887| 评论数: 0|

tc050131004.jpg   爱情喜剧篇,自然表现的是爱情,爱情往往能够融合在喜剧中,喜剧因素也就不能少。鱼和熊掌怎能兼得?那么它们之间,究竟谁主谁次?就让我们一起听听下面这四种说法。   观点一:就让爱情进行到底!   I think what really defines a romantic comedy is that it's a comedy in which the central conflict, what ever it is, is based in a romantic relationship. Meaning, many comedies have romances in them. But the question the movie's asking is not about the couple. A romantic comedy asks, "Will these two people become a couple?”   我认为区分爱情喜剧片的根本在于,不管怎样,冲突的重点是否摆在恋爱双方之间。很多喜剧都有爱情的成分,但是主旨却不是关于爱情。爱情喜剧片要探讨的是"有情人能否终成眷属"?   观点二:爱情与欢乐融为一体,岂能缺一?   Romance which is light, which is about enjoyment of love, tends to be within the comedy because that although comedy can be about the battle of the sexes, and can be about problems which are keeping lovers apart, comedy is also nice as it were…laughter and having fun is part of romance.   爱情片是轻松愉快的,表现的是爱的情景,爱情融合在喜剧中,因为喜剧就算说的是两性斗争或者情侣分手的问题,也能自始至终给我们带来欢乐。欢乐是爱情片的一部分。   观点3:女性终于可以撑起半边天了!   In the 30's and 40's you have such a wonderful series of romantic movies because w tc050131005.jpg omen were really feeling their oats and moving into the job market and you had a lot of very, very strong, tough, heroines out in the world and they were in the movies, too.   30、40年代出现了一系列优秀的爱情片,因为妇女在当时开始崭露头角,纷纷外出工作,社会上出现了许多强硬的模范女性,电影中亦是如此。   观点4:“哇,我的白马王子!”“哦。我的白雪公主!”“要是能和他(她)谈上一场恋爱不知道会是多么美好的事情!!”   There are these kind of standard moves that get observed: after there's a set-up, there's what we call a "cute meet" or a "meet cute", meaning some distinctive way that these people come together, ahh, which in my mind is usually reflective of a dynamic relationship. At the core, people who go to romantic comedies, you’re preaching to the converted more often than that. These are people who believe in love. And they believe in romance, and that means unattached as well as attached. I might even say more likely you've got a lot of people who are going to these movies to have that experience to enjoy vicariously what it's like to fall in love and to meet the perfect someone.



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