





A satirical look at news新闻脱口秀:当辛辣遇到幽默

发布者: 夜轩 | 发布时间: 2011-12-18 14:28| 查看数: 1254| 评论数: 0|


In the West, the late-night talk show is a specific kind of comedy-oriented talk and variety show. It includes topical monologues in which the host makes fun of the day’s news, comedy sketches and celebrity interviews.


Watching talk shows is good practice for English learners. While you might get distracted by the intricate plots of drama series, talk shows offer a chance to practice your listening and understanding of humor and the subtexts of the English language.


In the following issues, 21st Century will introduce several popular talk shows. You can get a flavor of the hosts’ wit and humor.


The following segments of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which airs on Comedy Central television, demonstrate the satire, criticism, and humor in the host’s commentaries.


1. Jon Stewart celebrated the end of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which came to an end last Monday. The repeal means that gay men and women can serve openly in the armed forces, and that the 13,000 soldiers who were discharged under “don’t ask, don’t tell” can re-enlist.

1. 乔恩•斯图尔特在节目中庆贺美国军方废除(对同性恋者)“不问不说”这一政策,该政策于上周一被废除。这意味着男女同性恋者能够公开入伍,而那些因“不问不说”政策而被开除的13000名士兵也可以重新参军。

Jon Stewart: That’s how ridiculous this policy was–the apology for the affront is, ‘Alright, sorry, you can go to Afghanistan and fight for your country.’


By the way, they’re lucky with the gay people that they discharged from the army–only gay people would remain in good enough shape to be able to re-enlist.


2. After Osama bin Laden was killed, US President Barack Obama made a national speech on TV.


Video clip: [Barack Obama: Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world, that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden…]


Jon Stewart: As an American, as a New Yorker, you felt like the news couldn’t get any better … and then, it did.


[Obama: Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.]


Jon Stewart: What? Not only did we kill Bin Laden, we killed him in Abbottabad? Abbottabad sounds like a name most New Yorkers would have invented for the fictional place they would have loved to kill Bin Laden. Abbottabad. A-bbo-tta-bad.


[News anchor: As satisfied as we are right now, we also realize that this increases threats to the United States… In the short term, there will be some kind of revenge attack…]


Jon Stewart: Yeah, we shouldn’t have killed him. Now the terrorists want to attack us. But you know what, even when they do, you know who won’t see it? Bin Laden–because we shot out his eyes and now he lives in a pineapple under the sea.


3. Months before Apple’s iPhone 4 was out, a prototype used by an Apple product designer was “stolen” in a bar by an editor for the tech-news website Gizmodo.com.

3. 在苹果的iPhone 4问世前几个月,某苹果产品设计师所使用的手机原型在一间酒吧里被一名来自科技新闻网站Gizmodo.com编辑偷走了。

Video clip: [News anchor: A high-tech crime investigation team goes to this guy’s house – the editor of Gizmodo, bashes in his front door while he’s having dinner.]


Jon Stewart: The cops had to bash in this guy’s door? Don’t they know there’s an app for that?

乔恩•斯图尔特:“警方必须冲破这家伙的房门吗?难道他们不知道有一项应用就是为此而设计的吗?”(文章注释:自从iPhone和app盛行以来,There’s an app for that已经成为英语里的一句流行语,几乎可以用在任何话之后,“去下一个app用吧”,表示app的火热程度。)

…Apple, you guys were the rebels, the underdogs, and people believed in you. Now look into the mirror, man. Or, actually just look into the screen of the iPad before you turn it on–it’s surprisingly reflective, it’s really beautiful. (murmuring) Thank you so much for making this. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Microsoft was supposed to be the evil one.


…So come on, Steve, chill out with the paranoid corporate genius stuff, just chill, baby. (murmuring again) And, you know your new iPhone with the front camera and video chat, could you send me one of those? It looks totally sick.



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