





Advertising English 精彩缤纷广告词(下)

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-19 16:02| 查看数: 1737| 评论数: 0|

商家为了赚钱竞相推出促销高招,有时竟不惜花费大笔金钱进行商品炒作,广告包装便是他们的最爱,就连广告词都是煞费苦心,精心设计的,不信,你听…   4. Olympus. Congratulations! Olympus youth series has reached 20 million cameras sold. tc050218014.jpg Within the promotion period, get a special free gift with every purchase of selected Olympus cameras or digital recorders. Distributed by the Hong Kong sole agent. Don’t miss it!   热烈祝贺…青春系列相机产品销量突破2000万!促销期间,每购买一台指定的…相机或数码录音机,都可获得由香港独家代理商提供的特别免费礼品一份,千万别错过哦!   5.Ohh…hoo…If you want to be the best…Oh, what a great mattress! It’s so comfortable I want to fall down again. Ohh…So comfy it must be the A-Fontaine Echo bed. Made of airo-foam and natural fiber, it provides great support and eliminates pressure. Wow, and it even has ventilation holes. It’s so cool! It’s that comfy let me on it. So comfortable the A Fontaine Echo bed.    tc050218015.jpg 啊…晤…如果你想成为最棒的…哦,好棒的床垫。真舒服!我想再躺下一次!噢,噢…好爽啊,一定是一张…床。泡沫塑料和天然纤维制成的床体能够提供强大的支撑力和消除压力。哇,竟然还有通气孔!凉爽极了!好舒服,我要躺在上面。舒适非凡的…。   6. Enjoy fresh mild from the lush green pastures of Australia. Ahhuh…Master’s Purer, direct from Australia’s number one fresh dairy. You can taste the natural goodness in Master’s Purer’ fresh milk. Master’s Purer so fresh (Moo) it’s moo-fresh!   享受来自澳大利亚绿色牧场的新鲜牛奶。啊…, …,直接取自澳大利亚一流的鲜奶牧场。…鲜奶让你品尝大自然的恩赐。…真新鲜!(哞——)入“哞”一般清新!   7.Miele’s revolutionary honey-combed drum takes care of even your most delicate items. And when we say delicate, we mean delicate. Miele, anything else is a compromise.



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