





美国俚语 American Idioms

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-20 16:52| 查看数: 1297| 评论数: 0|

Hit the Hay (go to bed)上床睡觉   Listen, Kim. We're going to be many busy with moving tomorrow, and tc050202001.jpg we've got to get an early start.   听着,金。明天搬家我们肯定会很忙,而且我们还得早起。   I guess you're right. We need all the rest we can get.   我想你说得很对。我们得抓紧时间休息。   What do you say, we hit the hay now?   你是说我们现在就上床睡觉,是吧?   Agreed. Let's go to bed and get a good night's sleep. It's going to be a long day.   是的。我们现在就上床,好好睡一晚。明天将是漫长的一天。   Cough Up( give unwillingly)不情愿的付出   Say, Greg. Did you finally get that computer that you wanted so much?   tc050202002.jpg  嗨,格雷格,你到底有没有买你垂涎已久的那台电脑?   Not yet. I needed to raise a couple of hundred dollars more.   还没呢。我得再攒几百美元才行。   Is it going to take you a while to raise the money?   那你得再攒一段时间的钱喽?   It would have taken me forever, but dad said he'd cough up the money I need since I‘m going to be using the computer for my school work.   也许永远也攒不够了。不过爸爸说既然我要用电脑来做功课,他还是会给我出钱的。   Maybe it was difficult for your dad to give you the money-but then, he knows that it's for a good cause.



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