





Breastfeeding in Public妈妈的烦恼

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-20 17:11| 查看数: 1146| 评论数: 0|

Why is it that something that should be totally natural to a new mother, so many times can put her into a state of panic? Breastfeeding our children is as natural as it gets. Women have been doing it since the beginning of time and yet, today, many mothers choose to stay home for fear they will end up in the middle of a mall with a starving infant demanding to be fed. tc041102004.jpg   Can you believe that it wasn't until 1993, that North Carolina where I currently live amended its indecent exposure law to exclude breastfeeding women? God created breasts for the ultimate purpose of feeding and nurturing our children contrary to how the media chooses to portray them!   Something happened to me the other day that allowed me to reach a personal milestone in this area. First, let me tell you, I am a very modest person. When I was pregnant, I could not have imagined breastfeeding in public. Society had "trained" me to think that it was inappropriate. I admit to nursing my child at the hospital with absolutely no anxiety over who watched. Of course the doctors and nurses had seen aspects of me I don't even think my husband had ever seen - much less wanted to! Even at home, I happily nursed anywhere and everywhere. But when visitors - even family - were around, I was off to the nursery behind closed doors.   Then one day, I found myself in the middle of the mall with a 5 month old screaming to be fed. I was faced with a number of options - use the ladies' room (definitely a last resort - yuk!), go on a mad search for a department store with a lounge or large dressing rooms, go back to the car (my normal nursing spot when out and about) or find the nearest seat. That day I decided it was too far, too much trouble and totally unfair to my daughter to make her wait until I could get to the car or find a private spot. So, I plopped myself down on a bench in the middle of the mall, put a blanket on my shoulder and fed my daughter.   At first I was self-conscious. I was sure everyone who walked past was staring directly at me. After looking at the potted plant next to me for five minutes in an effort to avoid eye contact, I started looking around. I was surprised to find that most people didn't even notice me. They were too engrossed in their shopping to see the young mother with the baby at her breast. The few people I made eye contact with just smiled back, but not one looked away in embarrassment or disgust. No derogatory comments were made. A mother with her teenage children even sat right next to me on the bench and still didn't take notice.   It was such a liberating experience. One small step for nursing mothers everywhere - One giant leap for me. One I wish I hadn't waited so long to take. I'm just sorry that I let society keep me from doing what I feel is best for my daughter. Of course, I realize that every situation is different and the next time might not fair as well, but I have gotten over the first hurdle and each time will get easier.   I wanted to share this experience for other nursing mothers who might just get that little "nudge" of encouragement they need to take that first step or at least help them to start feeling comfortable with the idea. For others, it may still be too big of a leap to take just yet. And by all means, you must do what you feel is right and are comfortable with. But if I could do it, I am confident that you can too.   为什么一些对于初为人母者来说再自然不过的事情会让她们陷入恐慌呢?为宝宝哺乳绝对是天经地义的 tc041102003.jpg 事了,自盘古开天以来世世代代的母亲们就开始哺育幼儿。然而到了今天,由于担心在逛商场的时候突然要面对嗷嗷待哺的宝宝,许多妈妈不得不选择躲在家中。你能相信吗?直到1993年,我目前所居住的北卡罗莱纳州才将当众哺乳排除在“有伤风化的暴露条例法案”之外。上帝创造母亲乳房的最终目的是为了哺乳和养育幼儿,这和传媒所渲染的正好背道而驰!   那天发生的事情让我的看法发生了里程碑式的转变。   首先,我得告诉你,我是一个很保守谨慎的人。怀孕的时候,我压根就没想过当众哺乳的事情。社会的“熏陶”告诉我这样的做法很不妥当。我承认自己在医院喂奶的时候一点也不觉得难为情,也不管周围是谁在看。当然了,医生和护士在帮我接生的时候已经看过了我的身体,有些可能连我丈夫都没看过的那种,不过话说回来,丈夫他也可能不太想看。在自己家里没人的时候,我也能愉快地在任何地方哺乳。不过,如果家里有人,甚至是家人在场的话,我都会自觉地闪回房间里去。   直到有一天,在商场里,才五个月大的宝宝忽然哭了起来要喝奶。我当时有几种选择——到女厕所去(很显然是没有办法的办法,会让人很不舒服);慌乱地找有休息室或大更衣室的百货商店;走回车里去(在我产后下床以后我就常在汽车里面给宝宝喂奶);或是找最近的椅子坐下。那天,我觉得走回车里或找休息室都太远,太麻烦了,而且,让宝宝干等也对她不公平。于是,我在商场中间的一张凳子上一屁股坐下,往肩上搭了块毯子开始喂奶。起初我还很不自在,觉得经过的每个人都在直直地瞪着我看。于是为了避免和人对视,我盯着身旁的一棵盆栽足足看了五分钟。当我后来抬头环顾时,这才惊讶地发现原来大多数的人根本就没注意到我。他们都在全神贯注地忙着购物,无暇顾及我这个给孩子喂奶的年轻妈妈。偶尔与几个人目光对接,也只是相视一笑,没人尴尬或是嫌恶地躲开视线,更没有恶言相向。一位母亲带着她十几岁的孩子们还坐到我身旁,也没注意到我。



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