






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-12-21 00:58| 查看数: 2003| 评论数: 0|

Two of Santa's reindeer -- Comet and Dancer -- got loose on a busy roadway in Texas just days before Christmas. Think we're joking? It happened halfway between Houston and Galveston. Reporter Deborah Wrigley from TV station KTRK picks up the story about the two runaway reindeer and their owner.

圣诞节前几天,圣诞老人的两只驯鹿Comet和Dancer在德州一条繁忙的公路上松脱了。你当我开玩笑?这件事发生在休斯敦和加尔维斯顿的半道上。KTRK电视台记者黛博拉·瑞格蕾(Deborah Wrigley)报道了这个有关两只逃跑驯鹿及驯鹿主人的故事。

DEBORAH WRIGLEY: "His name is Joe Moorman. But his occupation is Santa Claus, from the beard to the reindeer, five tiny ones."

瑞格蕾:“他的名字叫乔·穆尔曼(Joe Moorman),职业是圣诞老人,从白胡子到驯鹿,他有5只小驯鹿。”

JOE MOORMAN: "This is Prancer, that is Blitzen and that is Donder."


Joe Moorman is a professional Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas or Saint Nicholas or Kris Kringle. But unlike many other Santas, this one really does travel in a sleigh pulled by reindeer -- except when he has to transport them.

穆尔曼是一位专业的圣诞老人,圣诞老人也被称为Father Christmas、Saint Nicholas或Kris Kringle。但和其他圣诞老人不同,穆尔曼真的坐着驯鹿拉的雪橇,除了他要运输驯鹿的时候。

Last Wednesday the back door of the trailer opened as he was driving them to an elementary school. Comet and Dancer escaped onto Interstate-45 -- not exactly the North Pole. Another driver alerted Santa.


JOE MOORMAN: "Someone pulled up beside us, actually, and blew the horn and did all, and blew the horn and all that stuff. Well, my heart did not do too well."


The morning traffic was heavy but slow with people on their way to work. Drivers called the police, who thought they were joking. Yes, there really were reindeer in the road. Then, says reporter Deborah Wrigley, Santa found that he had some helpers.


DEBORAH WRIGLEY: "People stopped traffic, got out of their cars."


One woman took off her shoes and ran after the reindeer. A man followed. But the reindeer themselves were the ones who ended the chase. They found a park and stopped to eat. Joe Moorman says he was more shaken than they were. Santa and his reindeer were able to visit the schoolchildren as promised.


JOE MOORMAN: "God was with the reindeer, you know. And he takes care of fools and things that cannot take care of themselves."


The Reindeer Owners and Breeders Association says reindeer are easy to train to pull a cart or sleigh. Greg Finstad at the University of Alaska Fairbanks says reindeer "like people and are pleasant to have around." He says reindeer management is not very difficult. That's good, since he also says -- and children might want to cover their ears for this part -- reindeer is a basic meat in the cold climate of Alaska.

驯鹿业主和饲养人协会表示,训练驯鹿拉车或雪橇很容易。阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学的格雷格·费斯达德(Greg Finstad)说,驯鹿喜欢人,喜欢与人相处。他说,驯鹿管理并不太难。太好了,因为他也说,儿童可能要捂住耳朵不要听这部分内容,驯鹿是阿拉斯加这种寒冷气候下的基本肉类。


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