






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-25 17:03| 查看数: 1166| 评论数: 0|

Today, we meet in a building that speaks to the history of the last century. It houses a national memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, a man who held office when the 20th century was still young, and America's leadership in the world was emerging. It is named for Ronald Reagan, a man who came of age during two World Wars, and whose presidency helped usher in a new era of history. And it holds a piece of the Berlin Wall, a decades-long symbol of division that was finally torn down, unleashing a rising tide of globalization that continues to shape our world.   今天,我们在一栋曾见证上世纪历史的大楼里开会。这里设有伍德罗?威尔逊总统国家纪念馆。威尔逊在20世纪初叶当选为美国总统,当时,美国刚刚开始引领世界。这座大楼以罗纳德?里根的名字命名。里根在两次世界大战期间长大,并在总统任期内开创了美国历史的新纪元。这座大楼里还陈列着一小块柏林墙的石头,柏林墙的拆除结束了东西德几十年的分裂,引发了至今仍左右世界发展的全球化潮流。   One hundred years ago ——in the early days of the 20th century —— it was clear that there were momentous choices to be made —— choices about the borders of nations and the rights of human beings. But in Woodrow Wilson's day, no one could have foreseen the arc of history that led to a wall coming down in Berlin, nor could they have imagined the conflict and upheaval that characterized the years in between. For people everywhere -- from Boston to Beijing -- the 20th century was a time of great progress, but that progress also came with a great price.



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