






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-27 16:00| 查看数: 845| 评论数: 0|

And we can’t just focus on preserving existing industries. We have to be in the business of encouraging new ones— and that means science, research, and technology. For two centuries, America led the world in innovation. But this Administration’s hostility to science has taken a toll. At a time when technology is shaping our future, we devote a smaller and smaller share of our national resources to research and development. It’s time for America to lead. I’ll double federal funding for basic research, and make the R&D tax credit permanent. We can ensure that the discoveries of the twenty-first century happen in America—in our labs and universities; at places like Kettering and the University of Michigan; Wayne State and Michigan State.   我们不能只强调保护现有产业。我们必须致力于鼓励新产业,即科学、研究和技术。200年来,美国的创新能力一直领先于世界,但本届政府对科学的漠视已造成了巨大损失。在科技创造未来的时代,我们用于研究和开发的国家资源却微乎其微。现在应该是美国领导世界的时候了。我将把用于基础研究的联邦经费翻一番,使研发永久享受税收抵免。我们要确保21世纪的新发现在美国诞生—在我们的实验室和大学里,在凯特林大学和密歇根大学,在韦恩州立大学和密歇根州立大学等。   Encouraging new industry also means giving more support to American entrepreneurs. The other day, Senator McCain gave a speech to the Small Business Summit, where he attacked my plan to provide tax relief for the middle class. What he didn’t say is that I’ve also proposed exempting all start-up companies from capital gains taxes. In other words, John McCain would tax them. I won’t. We’ll work, at every juncture, to remove bureaucratic barriers for small and start-up businesses—for example, by making the patent process more efficient and reliable. And we’ll help with technical support to do everything we can to make sure the next Google or Microsoft is started here in America.

  鼓励新工业也意味着向美国企业家提供更多支持。前几天,麦凯恩参议员在小企业峰会上发表了演讲,他攻击我对中产阶层减税的计划。他未提及的是我还提议对所有新企业减免资本收益税。也就是说,约翰·麦凯恩将向它们征税,而我不会这样做。我们无论何时都将努力为小型新企业推翻政府壁垒—比如,简化和规范专利申请手续。我们将千方百计地为在美国成立新的Google和微软提供技术支持。   And we know that America won’t be able to compete if skyrocketing costs cause companies like the Big Three to spend $1,500 on health care for every car, and condemn millions of Americans to the risk of no coverage. That’s why we need to commit ourselves to electronic medical records that enhance care while lowering costs. We need to invest in biomedical research and stem cell research, so that we’re at the leading edge of prevention and treatment. And we need to finally pass universal health care so that every American has access to health insurance that they can afford, and are getting the preventive services that are the key to cutting health care costs. That’s what I pledge to do in my first term as President.



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