






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-30 17:18| 查看数: 1227| 评论数: 0|



  Beckham's lining up a transfer for his boys: Couple looking at schools in Britain and Paris   贝克汉姆为孩子转校排队:贝克汉姆夫妇在英国和法国巴黎两地为孩子择校   David and Victoria Beckham have been looking at private schools in England, fuelling rumours that their Christmas trip home from Los Angeles could be a permanent move.   大卫·贝克汉姆和维多利亚·贝克汉姆正在英格兰为孩子寻找合适的私立学校,使得贝克汉姆一家要定居英国的传闻再起。现居住于洛杉矶的小贝夫妇,这次圣诞节回家之行被看作是在英格兰定居之举。   The Beckhams, who left LA this weekend, are home for Christmas and have been looking at schools in both Britain and Paris, amid news that David, 36, is set to sign a deal with Paris Saint-Germain any day now.   贝克汉姆夫妇于周末离开洛杉矶飞往英国过圣诞节。随之,两人在英格兰和法国巴黎为孩子寻找学校。此时正有消息称,36岁的贝克汉姆随时都有签约巴黎圣日耳曼队的可能。   The family will spend Christmas at their Hertfordshire mansion, dubbed ‘Beckingham Palace’, and I can reveal the couple have enrolled all three sons – Brooklyn, 12, Romeo, nine, and Cruz, six – at a nearby day school should they choose to base themselves in Britain.   贝克汉姆一家将在赫特福特郡的豪宅(被誉为‘贝克汉姆宫’)渡过今年的圣诞节,而且据知情人爆料,夫妇二人已将三个孩子——布鲁克林12岁,罗密欧9岁和和6岁的克鲁兹,登记在他们挑选的一所英国走读学校。   ‘David is on the brink of committing to either Paris Saint-Germain or a UK club,’ says a family friend. ‘He’ll make the announcement just after the New Year.   一位贝克汉姆夫妇的朋友透露:“大卫即将要与巴黎圣日耳曼和英国一所足球俱乐部其中之一签约。新年过后贝克汉姆就会对此发表声明。”   ‘They are preparing to be back in Britain and have been looking at schools for the boys. David is keen on one particular school because it’s in the area where he grew up and when he was a child he always wished he could have gone there.’   “他们正准备回到英国定居,并且已经开始为孩子们挑选学校。贝克汉姆非常中意一所学校,因为这所学校就位于他长大的地方。贝克汉姆一直期待回到那个地方。”   Victoria – who gave birth to daughter Harper Seven in July – was initially reluctant to leave LA, but friends say she now backs the move.




  Home: The couple have been looking at schools close to where David grew up, sparking rumours they are in the UK to stay   家:贝克汉姆夫妇在贝克汉姆小时候生活过的地区为孩子选择学校,这引来大众对这一家人要在英国定居的猜测   ‘David has always been adamant he wants to end his hugely successful career back in Europe and Victoria is totally behind the move,’ says the source. ‘She is using the opportunity to work on her fashion profile in Europe and the boys will be educated privately. They are all very excited.’   Victoria’s one condition is that the family will return to LA at some point in the future.   有消息指出:“尽管在美国事业上取得巨大成功,贝克汉姆仍坚持要结束那里的生活,他很坚定的要重返欧洲。妻子对此举也非常支持。维多利亚正在利用各种机会宣传她的时尚事业,以便在欧洲有一席之地。他们的孩子也将接受私人教育。全家人对此都很兴奋。”   ‘Victoria wants to come back to London and live between the capital and Paris but she won’t give up the place in LA. The advantage of being over here is they can spend more time with their families. But they love LA so it’s likely they will be back there soon.’



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