





好莱坞帅哥Ryan Gosling

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-1 17:12| 查看数: 1172| 评论数: 0|


  Not only is Ryan Gosling one of Hollywood's most beloved movie stars, he's also one of the most attractive. But Gosling wasn't always such a household name. In fact, most people didn't even know who he was until he starred in The Notebook, alongside Rachel McAdams. And while the film quickly launched him into Hollywood Hunk status, not everyone was so quick to place the actor under the "hot" category, including The Notebook's director, Nick Cassavetes.   瑞恩·高斯林是好莱坞最受宠的、最有魅力的影星之一。但是在过去,“高斯林”这个名字并没有如此的家喻户晓。事实上,甚至有很多人不认识他,直到他和瑞秋·麦克亚当斯出演了《恋恋笔记本》。那部电影迅速把他捧成了好莱坞大明星,不过,并非每个人都这么快就把他归为“热门明星”的行列,包括《恋恋笔记本》的导演尼克·卡萨维蒂。   In an interview with the British magazine, Company, Gosling admitted the main reason he was cast as the lovable Noah Calhoun was because Cassavetes didn't think he was that good looking. He explained, "The director, Nick Cassavetes, called me to meet him at his house. When I got there, he was standing in his back yard, and he looked at me and said, 'I want you to play this role because you're not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You're not handsome, you're not cool, you're just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts." Clearly Cassavetes needed his eyes checked at the time.



  I found this story almost impossible to believe, since Gosling is such a prominent piece of eye candy in the entertainment industry, but it made me wonder a few things. It's kind of like the riddle about which came first, the chicken or the egg -- do we love Ryan Gosling because he's attractive or is he attractive because we love him? This question prompted me to look back on a few photos of him during his pre-chick flick days and see if he looked any worse for wear, but I came up with nothing. He was utterly adorable even back then, so I'm really not sure what the Cassavetes was thinking.   我觉得这个故事太难以置信,因为高斯林在娱乐圈是这样一个“优秀的花瓶”。不过这倒让我怀疑起一些事情,就像那个“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的谜——我们是因为高斯林有魅力才喜欢他,还是因为我们喜欢他所以他才有魅力?这个问题迫使我回顾了一些他早期出演chick flick【注:剧情比较轻松浪漫,多为女性为核心,男性充当配角的爱情电影。】时的照片,想看看他那时是不是长得很残,不过并不是。即便在当时,他也超可爱,所以我实在不确定卡萨维蒂在想些神马。   But either way, he deserves credit for bringing Gosling into our radar. And because of that, we're able to fully appreciate videos like this.



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