





简单一小步 丰富每一天

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-1 17:28| 查看数: 1042| 评论数: 0|


  I love to have simple ways to improve my life. Everyday is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it. What I want is to have good, balanced progress everyday.   我喜欢用简单的方法提升自己的生活质量。对我们来说每天都是一个新的机遇,关键在于我们如何最有效地利用它。我所希望的便是每天都可以有良好平稳的提升。      To ensure balance, my favorite way is using the four facets of prosperity: material, spiritual, physical, and social. By achieving material prosperity, spiritual prosperity, physical prosperity, and social prosperity, I believe I can have complete and balanced prosperity in my life.   我最倾向于通过物质生活、精神境界、身体素质、社交活动四个方面的互补来保持生活的平衡。如果可以达到物质富足、精神愉悦、身体健康以及社交活跃,那么你一定会拥有和谐美妙而丰富多彩的生活。      You may add other facets of prosperity if they work for you, but in my opinion these four facets are easy to remember and already cover practically everything.   当然啦,你还可以添加一些你认为对你有用的东西。不过,我认为以上的四个方面很容易记住,它们基本已经包涵了所有。      To put this concept into practice, what I do is ensuring that I do something to improve each facet everyday. Here is how I do it:   为了实践这个观念,我每天都会努力来完善这四个方面。下面是我的个人做法:      1. Decide on something to do daily in each facet   1. 每天都要做一些关于这几个方面的事情。      To keep things simple, choose only one or two tasks to do daily in each facet. More than that, it could be difficult to keep up with them. Of course, you may want to do more than just one or two tasks to improve a facet, but choose only the most important ones to be made daily. In my case, I have just one task for each facet.   每天每个方面只做一两个任务,把事情简单化。不过,要坚持下来还是蛮难的。当然啦,为了提高,可能你每天做了不止一两个任务,要记住,挑最重要的去做。关于每个方面,我一天只做一个任务。      One thing to remember is each of the tasks should be measurable so that you know for sure whether or not you have done it. Here is an example:   还有一点就是,你所做的任务最好有可以衡量的标准,这样你才能知道你到底完成了没有。下面举个例子:      * Material: do project for at least 2 hours   物质方面:至少工作两个小时   * Spiritual: meditate for 30 minutes   精神方面:自我反省30分钟   * Physical: exercise for 20 minutes   身体方面:运动20分钟   * Social: ping at least one friend   社交方面:至少和一个朋友唠嗑      2. Record your performance   2. 记录你的进度。      After setting the daily tasks for each facet, all you need to do is ensuring that you do them. Recording your performance can greatly help you here. You may use a notebook, a spreadsheet, or any other medium you want. Write down there whether or not you have done a task in a particular day.   在设定了每天的任务计划后,我们所要做的就是确保自己有所行动。记录每天的进度是个很有效的办法。你可以用一个笔记本、电子表格或者任何你喜欢的工具。在那里记录你一天之内是否完成任务。      I myself use Joe's Goals. It's a simple web application that can help you track your progress. Whenever I finish something, I check the corresponding box in Joe's Goals. This way I can easily see if I often miss a facet so that I can put more effort there.

  我自己是用的"Joe's Goals",它是一个简单实用的网络应用,可以跟踪记录你的进程。每当我完成一个任务,我都会在相应的方格里打上勾。这样,我就可以很清晰明了地看见自己忽视了哪些方面,并且去完善。


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