






发布者: tezukazyunko | 发布时间: 2009-8-14 21:16| 查看数: 1439| 评论数: 0|

Cassim was a mean and selfish fellow. So early the next morning he started out to get the treasure for himself. He easily found the secret cave and the door in the rock. He said, "Open, Sesame!" and the door opened. He gathered as much gold as he could, but when he was ready to leave, he could not remember what to say. He said, "Open, Barley!" but the door did not open. He named several kinds of grain, but the door did not move at all. Cassim was white with fear!  About noon the thieves returned to the cave. Cassim tried to escape, but he was caught and killed. They cut his body into four parts.

  When night came, Cassim's wife became very uneasy. She ran to Ali Baba and said, "My husband has not come back yet. What shall I do?" So Ali Baba set out for the forest to look for his brother. When he entered the cave, the first thing he saw was his dead brother.

  He was full of horror. He put the body on one of his donkeys and loaded bags of gold on the other two, and hurried back to Cassim's house. He told the whole story to Morgiana, one of Cassim's slaves, and said, "We must make others think that Cassim died in his bed. Do as I tell you."

  As she was clever, she understood what he meant. The next morning Morgiana went to the druggist. "My poor master cannot either eat or speak. No one knows what his disease is," she said, and carried home some medicine. The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person.

  So no one was surprised in the evening to hear that Cassim was dead. Then she went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town. She put a piece of gold in his hand and asked him to come with her. She covered his eyes with a handkerchief and led him to the room where the dead body lay. Then she told him to sew the four parts of the body together.

  After that she covered his eyes again and led him home. But the cobbler had sharp eyes. He was able to see some of the road. And he recognized Cassim's house.









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