





英语听力教程2 unit 1第一部分

发布者: charles520 | 发布时间: 2012-3-8 18:31| 查看数: 1334| 评论数: 1|

本帖最后由 charles520 于 2012-3-8 18:54 编辑

As one gets on in years, he/she is always inclined to remember good old days: how delicious the food was, how cheap things were, how obedient children were and how unsophisticated people were.

Josephine Davies and Gertrude Smith, two members of the older generation, are talking about their childhood in Britain 70 years ago.

Now listen to the following conversation. While listening for the first time, add more key words in the left-hand column. After the second listening, answer the questions.



70 Years Ago:


parents' role?

Nursing Association

Victoria Station





Why does Josephine feel that there was more stability in family life 70 years ago? Fill in the blank.

Because in those days, nobody expected the families to (1).

According to Gertrude, people also did some things not so good years ago. What were they?


and drug-taking.

Josephine's mother did a great deal of work outside. What was she interested in? Fill in the blank.

She was interested in the Nursing Association

money for it.

Where did Gertrude's father work?

(5)at Victoria Station.

Why did Gertrude's mother go out so much with her friends? Fill in the blank.

Because life at that time was not

and it was a relief for her to go out.

According to Josephine, since there was neither television nor radio in those days, what did children use to do in the evenings?


How does Josephine explain that there was more discipline in families 70 years ago? Fill in the blanks.

She says, at that time, she couldn't

with any friends of her own until she was about (9).

Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the conversation and decide whether the statements after the conversation are True or False. Put “T” or “F” in the brackets.

1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.() 6.()

When your little brother or sister is brought to the world, are you happy, jealous, or even hateful?

You are going to hear a young lady talking about the relationship between brothers and sisters. After that several questions will be asked. Find the right answers as quickly as possible according to the notes you have taken while listening

()1. a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4

()2. a. happyb. calm c. hateful d. jealous

()3. a. He got very angry.b. He laughed a lot.

c. He beat his daughter.d. He asked his wifeto punish the girl.

()4. a. 16b. 17c. 15d. 50

()5. a. In England. b. In Brazil. c. In France. d. In Australia.

()6. a. the bride's brotherb. the young lady's brother

c. the bride's fatherd. the bride's good friend


鹅卵石 发表于 2012-3-8 19:29:04
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