





how to help HAITI

发布者: prayman | 发布时间: 2012-3-11 11:18| 查看数: 848| 评论数: 0|

Can a goat help Haiti, two years after a devastating earthquake? Catherine Russi has high hopes for hers.

Russi, 66, of Colchester, Conn., a champion of the Norwich-based Haitian Health Foundation, inspired residents of the nursing home where she works to raise $150 to sponsor a goat.

“A goat provides food in the form of milk and cheese. It’s a sustainable solution to feeding the hungry, as it provides more than just one meal,” says Russi, who has been a longtime volunteer in USA WEEKEND’s Make A Difference Day. Her church won the day’s top award in 2010.

“Cathy is a super volunteer. She does great work for us, and doesn’t ask for anything in return,” says Dr. Jeremy Lowney, HHF founder. “We count our success [in Haiti] one person at a time. Haitians are an industrious people. With just a little bit of help, they can do so much.”

A few ways to help Haiti:

• For $150, give a goat to a family or sponsor a student’s tuition, uniforms and books through the Haitian Health Foundation. For $750, give a family permanent shelter.

• For $28 a month, sponsor a child through Save the Children. Contributions are pooled to provide programs for all eligible children in an area.

• For $60 to Partners in Health, help a Haitian family boost food production, ending malnutrition.

• Or, simply hold a bake sale or lemonade stand to benefit your favorite charity in Haiti. That’s what actress , ages 3 and 6, did last Make A Difference Day, raising more than $150 for J/P Haitian Relief Foundation


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