





They work out their movements ......

发布者: zjstqw | 发布时间: 2012-4-7 21:43| 查看数: 1375| 评论数: 1|

They work out their movements before the scene is filmed and they mime the fights.

1) work out their movements 做出动作

2) film (v.)

3) mime – (v.)

imitate (a person or manner) 模仿,模拟

to act or tell a story moving your body and face but without speaking 做哑剧表演

e.g.: The band was miming to a backing tape.

All of the players have to mime the title of a movie, play or drama.

He mimed gnawing a chicken bone.

mime – (n.) a simple theoretical play without words

a famous mime actor -- Charles Chaplin

(Gold Rush , Modern Times...


zjstqw 发表于 2012-4-7 21:46:00
Cameras are placed at an angle so that you can’t tell that the stuntmen are only pretending to hit each other.

        1) tell – 认出,辨别出

        [tell + that] It was so dark I couldn’t tell it was you. 天太黑了,我认不出那就是你。

[tell + wh-] It’s difficult to tell when it will be finished , because we have never done this sort of job before. 很难说得何时完成这项工作

[tell + obj. + from/apart] I can’t tell Jane from Sarah / tell Jane and Sarah apart – they look so alike.

2) pretend to do sth. 假装…
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