






发布者: 从心出发 | 发布时间: 2012-4-11 20:25| 查看数: 1029| 评论数: 0|

1. Attandances at basketball matches have____ since the coming of television.

  A dropped in

  B dropped down

  C dropped off

  D dropped out

  2. The meeting_____ at midnight and we all went home.

  A broke through

  B stopped off

  C stopped up

  D broke up

  3. How long did it take you to realize he was dishonest? I ___ from the start.

  A looked him through

  B saw through him

  C look forward to him

  D saw him through

  4. In the coming term she will ____ the advanced class.

  A take advantage of

  B take an account of

  C take charge of

  D take care of

  5. The clouds have_______ the sun.

  A blocked in

  B blocked off

  C blocked out

  D blocked up


  1-5 CDBCC

  1. drop off减少,drop down卧倒 ,drop out 排出,掉出

  2. break up结束,break through突破,stop up=stay up, stop off中途下车

  3. see through sb 看穿某人,see sb through帮助某人度过难关

  4. take charge of掌管,负责,take an account of 把……列表,take advantage of sb欺骗某人

  5. block out封闭,block in填塞, 堵塞,block off阻断,堵


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