






发布者: 从心出发 | 发布时间: 2012-4-18 07:01| 查看数: 999| 评论数: 0|


  We all know that a magician does not really depend on "magic" to perform his tricks, but on his ability to act at great speed.___ 1, this does not prevent us from enjoying watching a magician ___ 2 rabbits from a hat. ___ 3 the greatest magician of all time was Harry Houdini who died in 1926. Houdini mastered the art of___ 4. He could free himself from the tightest knots or the most complicated locks in seconds. ___5 no one really knows how he did this, there is no doubt ___ 6 he had made a close study of every type of lock ever invented. He liked to carry a small steel needle like tool strapped to his leg and he used this in place of a key. Houdini once asked the Chicago police to lock him in prison. They ___ 7 him in chains and locked him up, but he freed himself___8 an instant. The police___ 9 him of having used a tool and locked him up again. This time he wore no clothes and there were chains round his neck, waist, wrists, and legs; but he again escaped in a few minutes. Houdini had probably hidden his "needle" in a wax like ___ 10 and dropped it on the floor in the passage. ___ 11 he went past, he stepped on it so that it stuck to the bottom of his foot. His most famous escape, however, was ___ 12 astonishing. He was heavily chained up and enclosed in an empty wooden chest, the lid of ___13 was nailed down. The ___ 14 was dropped into the sea in New York harbor. In one minute Houdini had swum to the surface. When the chest was___ 15, it was opened and the chains were found inside.

  1. A. Generally B. However C. Possibly D. Likewise

  2. A. to produce B. who produces

  C. produce D. how to produce

  3. A. Out of the question B. Though C. Probably D. Undoubted

  4. A. escaping B. locking C. opening D. dropping

  5. A. Surprisingly B. Obviously C. Perhaps D. Although

  6. A. if B. whether C. as to D. that

  7. A. involved B. closed C. connected D. bound

  8. A. at B. by C. in D. for

  9. A. rid B. charged C. accused D. deprived

  10. A. candle B. mud C. something D. substance

  11. A. As B. Usually C. Maybe D. Then

  12. A. overall B. all but C. no longer D. altogether

  13. A. it B. which C. that D. him

  14. A. chest B. body C. lid D. chain

  15. A. brought up B. sunk C. broken apart D. snapped


  1. B) 根据上下文结构和句意,此空需要一个关联性的状语, 而且根据句义需要一个表示转折意义的副词, 故选项B However 为正确答案。Generally 意为“广泛地,普遍地,总的来说”,可作评述性状语;Possibly意为“可能地”,也可作评述性状语和一般修饰性状语;Likewise意为“同样地,照样地;又,也”,在句中可作关联性的状语,但不是转折意义的。

  2. C) 此空涉及到某些感官动词如:see,hear,watch,feel等所接宾语结构。这些动词后可接复杂宾语结构,即see,hear,watch,feel sb. do或see,hear,watch,feel sb. doing,因此此题正确答案为选项C。

  3. C) 首先可知此空需要一个副词,因此可排除B和D。Out of the question意为“不可能”,意义不合适;Probably意为“很可能地”,用在此处表示作者比较肯定的猜测。

  4. A) 根据上下文可知,魔术家Houdini擅长“逃脱”,他可以轻易地打开锁头,从被锁处逃脱。因此此空的正确答案为A。

  5. D) 通过阅读上下文可知此处需要一个引导让步状语从句的连词,只有选项D符合。

  6. D) 同位语从句用that引导。

  7. D) Bound是bind的过去式,意为“捆绑”。其它三词意义不符。

  8. C) In an instant是固定搭配,意为“立刻,马上”。

  9. C) 四个选项中动词charge一般不与of搭配使用。rid…of 意为“除掉”,不符。deprive …… of意为“剥夺…”,意义不符。选项C accuse 和of 搭配意为“指控… ”,为正确答案。

  10. D) Mud和something是不可数名词,不符;像蜡一样的candle是不合逻辑的;因此只有选项D substance(物质)正确。

  11. A) 通过阅读本句可断定此空需要一个从属连词引导时间状语,四个选项只有A as 正确。

  12. D) Overall是形容词,不符;All but意为“几乎,差不多”,意义不符;No longer意义不符。故只有altogether(总起来说)符合,故为正确答案。

  13. B) 只有which才能用于介词后来引导定语从句。

  14. A) 根据上文可知此空应为chest。

  15. A) 通过阅读上下文可知,Houdini被装进木桶扔进了海里,但他很快就逃了出来,当木桶被捞上来时,人们发现桶被打开了,捆在木桶外面的铁链子却被放到了桶里面,由此可知此空应选A brought up“把…弄上来”。


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