






发布者: 从心出发 | 发布时间: 2012-4-20 07:17| 查看数: 1196| 评论数: 1|

Background :

Another American won the job of the President of the World Bank again. However, he has very little experience in economic field.Can he lead the World Bank to meet public expectation?



Doctor Kim also once headed United Nation’s efforts to fight aids, founded a non-governmental organization that promotes health care around world and taught Harvard Schools of Medicine and Public Health.

Kim 博士曾经领导了联合国与艾滋病斗争的活动,他还发起了一个在全球提倡医疗保健的非政府组织,他还在哈佛的医学与大众健康学院教学。

In YouTube videos posted by Dartmouth College, Doctor Kim tells students a broad education can help them solve tough problems.

在 Dartmouth 学习贴出来的 YouTube 上放映的视频里, Kim 博士告诉学生们,多方面的教育能帮助解决困难的问题。

In a preview of approaching the World Bank, Doctor Kim analyzes the U.S health care system, urge s officials to focus on data and results and calls for a new approach.

在一个管理世界银行的预演里面, Kim 博士分析了美国的医保体系,他敦促官员们要关注数据和结果,他还呼吁(在世行)采用新的方法。

Critics say the World Bank deals with far more than just health care and they question whether Doctor Kim has enough experience to boost global growth, to pay for improved health care, education and infrastructure.

批评家们说世界银行处理的事情远远超出仅仅医疗保健,他们怀疑 Kim 博士是否有足够的经验来(领导世行)推动全球的增长,负担更好的医疗保健,教育和基础设施。

世行的官员们最终选择了 Kim 博士为行长,而没有选择比较被看重的尼日利亚财政部长 Ngozi Okonjo Iweala。她说她在银行的多年工作经验以及自身的生活经验,将会让她成为世行这个世界最大的开发机构的强有力的领导人。她说:

“It’s not good enough to say you know about poverty. You have to live it to know what it means and I did.”



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