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Very Fragile' Syrian Cease-Fire Eroding





法国外长朱佩星期五重申,世界各国承担不起让安南提出的和平计划和停火发生作用而等待更长时间的代价。他警告说,叙利亚处于陷入内战的边缘。 此前否决了联合国对叙利亚政权采取更为强硬行动的中国表示,它已准备好为维持停火而作出更多的努力,说它愿意向联合国使团派遣观察员。


'Very Fragile' Syrian Cease-Fire Eroding

Syrian activists report government forces are pounding a rebel-held section of the central city of Homs, the latest violence to grip a nation already losing its hold on an ever shakier cease-fire.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says Syrian forces are bombarding the Khaldiyeh neighborhood in Homs with mortar rounds, reporting explosions every five minutes. The group also says gunfire is echoing through the streets of Qusair, near the border with Lebanon and that government reinforcements are on their way to help.

Friday's violence is the latest in a series of clashes that have erupted since the United Nations-brokered truce went into effect last week. And in Geneva Friday, a spokesman for international envoy Kofi Annan warned the situation was becoming more dire.

Ahmad Fawzi called the cease-fire "very fragile," describing the situation as "not good." Fawzi also expressed hope that the remaining members of a U.N. team of monitors would soon be in place. Meanwhile, concerns that diplomatic efforts and more peacekeepers will fall short are growing.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe reiterated Friday the world cannot afford to wait much longer for the cease-fire and peace plan that Annan put forward to take root, warning Syria is on the verge of descending into civil war. China, which has blocked stronger U.N. action against the Syrian regime, said it was ready to do more to uphold the truce - saying it is willing to contribute observers to the U.N. mission.

On Thursday, U .S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for tough U.N. sanctions to be imposed on Syria if it fails to implement the peace plan.


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