






发布者: prayman | 发布时间: 2012-5-2 22:57| 查看数: 998| 评论数: 0|

Street Food


A Sydney food blog by two travel nerds obsessed with travel food, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and international supermarkets of mystery. Street Food is a (mostly) Asian food blog, a cheap eats guide, and a celebration of Sydney's great culinary underbelly.


Our bellies do flip-flops as we rocket into Shanghai from the airport. And it's not because the train is doing over 300kmh (seriously). It's because we're in freaking China! China and it's five zillion year culinary history has directly influenced all the Asian cuisines we love so much. Even though we're a pair of skippy non-Asian Australians, we feel like we're coming home to the motherland.


We get off the train in Shanghai to discover that we can't escape Christmas, even in China. We're a bit lost and some random stranger sees us struggling with a map and helps us find our way to our hostel. What a nice bloke, and what a nice welcome to China. Chinese folks we know back in Sydney were convinced we would be mugged, extorted, poisoned and possibly eaten as we backpacked China. But within five minutes of the holiday we've already had the exact opposite experience, and continued to do so throughout out the trip. Folks were super nice and helpful and we always felt at ease. Though once Shawn was slightly molested on the bottom, unfortunately by a bloke, but that happens to him all over Asia. Nothing so exciting happens back at home.

我们从高铁上下来之后发现即使在中国,我们还是逃不掉圣诞节 。我们有一点迷路了,一个路上的陌生人看见我们手足无措地看着地图,他帮我们找到了去青年旅社的路。真是个好人,真是中国对我们友好的欢迎。我们在悉尼认识的中国人都坚信我们在中国背包旅行一定会被骚扰,敲诈,中毒甚至被吃掉。但是在我们假期开始的5分钟内,我们就已经有了一个完全相反的体验,在接下来的一路上这个感觉都一直伴随着我们。中国人超级友好和乐于助人,我们总是感到很安心。即使有一次Shawn的屁股轻微的被人捏了,不幸的还是个男人捏的,但是他在亚洲总是遭遇这样的事情。在澳大利亚从来没有这样刺激的经历。

We're superstitious about the first meal of the holiday: it sets the standard for the rest of the trip. We could have eaten at one of the dozen too-tidy looking primary coloured Japanese/Taiwanese/Hong Kong style chain joints as we left the subway. But we held out until we found this: northern style cumin lamb kebabs cooked on hot coals and served in fresh flat bread. This is the last thing we were expecting and the best thing to find as the temperature was dropping down towards freezing. We paid 15 yuan, less then $3 Aussie. This is going to be a good trip.

我们对于假期的第一餐是很迷信的:它给我们整个旅程的欢乐程度定调。我们可以在离开地铁之后在那一堆色彩鲜明的日本/台湾/香港主题连锁店里挑一家吃 ,但是我们坚持着直到我们发现了这个:北方风格的用煤烤的茴香羊肉串夹现做的饼。这根本不在我们的预期之中,但这却是这个几乎零度的天气之下最好的食物。我们付了15元,不到3澳元。这个旅程将会很愉快。

This setup is permanently affixed outside a Northern style halal restaurant. We guess it keeps the smoke out of the restaurant, saves space and catches extra takeway business.


We wander around a little more and find some street hawkers selling bbq skewers and noodles.


This simple noodle stir fry was devine, made by a one-dish master. Our thick egg noodles were mixed with egg, bean sprouts, chili, green veggies and a bit of salt.


We awake to find we're staying in pleasant neighbourhood with relatively calm, tree-lined streets. We were near the French Concession, on the Ji'an Temple side.


For breakfast we judiciously pick the first place we find, and it's a beauty.


We figure this is a real Shanghai style joint, the trays of ready-to-go dishes remind us of the Shanghai joints back in Ashfield in Sydney. The restaurant is squeaky clean and served by a cheery army of aunties and uncles. They weren't sure about us the first visit but on the second visit we were greeted like long lost relatives.


We want to transport ourselves back and dive into the bainmarie of love. Lonely Planet tells you never to eat pre-prepared food, which would mean missing out on the best stuff. The trick is to find it fresh, that's usually when it's crowded with locals.


We could spend half our trip in here.


If any germs make it through the hygienically sealed chopsticks the fiery chili paste should kill them.


There's no finer breakfast than noodle soup, especially when there's a pork chop involved. The broth is dark and sweet. The noodles are perfect. The tops old auntie sitting next to Alison burps all cute and lady-like. If Brad and Angelina can adopt overseas kids can we adopt overseas old ladies?

没有比汤面更好的早餐了,特别是当里面还有一块猪排的时候。这个汤是深的,带点甜味。面条简直绝了。那个坐在 Alison旁边的阿姨,很女孩子样的打嗝,好可爱。如果Brad和Angelina可以领养外国小孩,我们可以领养这个阿姨吗?

As we eat a production line appears out of nowhere behind us. A hundred or so lunchboxes are being made up. We see folks eating these everywhere.



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