





四月女孩--My name is April

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2012-5-4 00:35| 查看数: 1525| 评论数: 1|

When down the stair at morning, 在清晨的阶梯下,

The sunbeams round her float. 阳光铺上她的木筏,

Sweet rivulets of laughter 笑声朗朗的小河,

Are bubbling in her throat; 在她的声音中泛起沫花;

The gladness of her greeting 问候带来的喜悦,

Is gold without alloy; 是无暇的金子;

And in the morning sunlight 在阳光下的清晨,

I think her name is Joy. 我想她的名字叫做喜悦。

When in the evening twilight 在夜晚的微光中

The quiet book-room lies, 我们躺在安静的书房,

We read the sad old ballads, 读悲伤的古老民谣;

While from her hidden eyes从她掩映的双眼中,

The tears are falling, falling, 泪水流啊流,

That give her heart relief; 这让她的心稍稍安宁;

And in the evening twilight, 在夜晚的微光中,

I think her name is Grief. 我想她的名字叫做悲伤。

My little April lady, 我小小的四月女孩,

Of sunshine and of showers, 属于阳光也属于阵雨,

She weaves the old spring magic, 她默念着古老的春之咒语,

And breaks my heart in flowers! 让我的心在花丛中破碎;

But when her moods are ended, 可当哀愁消退,

She nestles like a dove; 就像一只白鸽般地依偎着我;

Then, by the pain and rapture, 然后,通过痛苦和欢愉,

I know her name is Love. 我知道她的名字叫做爱情。


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