






发布者: prayman | 发布时间: 2012-5-8 22:52| 查看数: 808| 评论数: 0|

21. People always treasure the ones which haven’t obtained, but forget the ones which had already had.

  22. One today will exceed two tomorrow.

  23. Must engrave on mind; every day is the happiest day in a year.

  24. The optimism sees the opportunity in the disaster; the pessimist sees the disaster in the opportunity. 25. It doesn’t mean the in existence of fear if have courage, but is dares facing to fear, to overcome the fear.

  26. The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistake.

  27. Turn your face to the sunlight then there cannot have the shadow.

  28. The experience takes out by the essence of pain.

  29. Face the past with the least lamentation, face present with the least waste and with the most dream to face future.

  30. If you want to have the perfect friendship, possibly you may find no friend for all lifetime.

  31. Do not put yourself in the deep of sorrow when you feel unpleasant, think about the days with laughter.

  32. Before correct others, meditate on yourself whether you make mistake first.

  33. If you cannot put yourself in the battle of heights just because of the fear of defeat, you will never get successes.

  34. If you want to overcome the anxiety and depressed in life, you may learn to be your own master first.

  35. You cannot control the weather, but you can change your mood.

  36. the most fearful poverty is the feeling of lonely and be abandoned.

  37. Treat others kindly when you are self-satisfied, because you will need them when you are frustrated.

  38. There are two kinds of people in the world: requester and giving. Perhaps the former can eat well, but the latter absolutely can have good sleep.

  39. The 100 sheep under the leadership of one line are more fearful than the 100 lions under the leadership of one sheep.

  40 We always like the person who adore ourselves, but we not necessarily like the person which ourselves worship.


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