






发布者: jiuwu | 发布时间: 2012-5-18 15:17| 查看数: 1602| 评论数: 6|

Gossip Girl 每日一集,每日笔记更新。已经在更新第二季咯!后来加入的同学要抓紧更上了~



《绯闻女孩》S2E17学习笔记.rar (40.49 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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jiuwu 发表于 2012-5-18 15:22:29

jiuwu 发表于 2012-5-18 23:21:22

Blair comes up with a devious plan to take downher new teacher, Rachel. Chuck has no recollection of what happened to him whenhe wakes up in a hotel. Nate and Vanessa try to help Chuck fill in the missingpieces of his night. Meanwhile Dan and Serena try to keep their relantionshiptogether as Rufus and Lily grow even closer.
jiuwu 发表于 2012-5-18 23:21:50



Gossip Girl: While upper east siders are hitting the


button, Blair Waldorf had arude


when the



at dawn this morning.

snooze button: 小睡按钮(闹钟响后按这个按钮,你可以再睡一会儿,然后过几分钟后闹铃会再响一次)

rude awakening:


crow: 啼叫,报晓


Harold: I wish you'd let me speak to the school. It sounds like this teacher'sbeen after you from the start.

Blair: Thank you. But I wanted to handle this on my own.

Harold: That



of the


young lady you've become.


I wish everyone could see me through your eyes.

Harold: You

keep your


up. I'll seeyou after school.

speak volume: to make a situation very clear without theuse of words, 充分证明

I wish everyone couldsee me through your eyes:我希望别人都能像你那么看我

keep your chin up: 不要气馁, chin是下巴的意思


Isabel: To be honest, Blair, none of us are that into 5:00 a.m. Trash duty. Ithink we're gonna


this one


sit out: to


from taking part in:

sit out a dance.跟中文的坐视不理是不是有点像?


Nelly: Please, I-I need to check the


Blair: Hey! Nelly Yuki,

get a


dow: 指的就是Dow Jones Index,道琼斯指数

get a grip: another way of saying "take iteasy" or "stop being so paranoid already!"


Dan: If Blair did this to Rachel, this... I mean,

she's gone waytoo far.

she's gone way too far:

她太过分了,她太过火了,另外一个词组crossthe line也有类似的意思,表示越界了,过分了。

jiuwu 发表于 2012-5-18 23:23:10


Nate: All right, listen, maybe you should get some rest. It could help


your memory.

jog your memory: to cause you to remember something


Agent: Well, I could never do anything unprofessional. But sometimes I do leavea fileunattended

when I go to get a drink. There's somebottled water in the fridge. Are you thirsty?



unattended: not being attended to, looked after, orwatched. 注意我会把文件落下可以用unattended这样比较简洁的表达方式。

parch: to become very dry


Vanessa: So you



Blair? You


Dan: A
"Charlotte'sWeb"-sult?That's very cute. And, no, technically, I did not rat on Blair. I just toldRachel to put the squeeze on the weakest of her kilted cronies.

Vanessa: And what does Serena think of you getting her best friend


Dan: The moment Blair involves me in her schemes, the "boyfriend of theb.f.f." clause is officially


and void.

rat on: 告密,rat有叛徒的意思

Templeton: A character (a rat) in the classicchildren's novel

Charlotte's Web.

A"Charlotte's Web"-sult: 这里玩的是文字游戏,把assault拆了开来。



: to put pressure onsomeone or something

crony: 亲信

nulland void: 无效


Gossip Girl: Spotted... lonely boy going from teacher's pet to

personal non


in thepitter-patter

of a heart beat.

personal non grata: 解释为不受欢迎的人,来自拉丁语personae non gratae.

pitter-patter: 下雨的声音


Queller: Miss Waldorf, this meeting

is closed tostudents.

Blair: I’m sorry for the interruption. But I have something I think almosteveryone here would want to see. Headmistress, if you'd like to check youre-mail... I believe it's called

ence. Ilove "damages."

beclosed to students: 禁止学生入内,注意这个禁止用beclosed to,同样的,道路封路也可以说the area is closed totraffic.

exculpatoryevidence: applied to evidence which may justify or excuse anaccused defendant's actions, and which will tend to show the


is not guilty or has no criminalintent.

jiuwu 发表于 2012-5-18 23:23:27


Harold: I saw a different side of you last night, and I'm disappointed.

Blair: But, daddy, I was right.

Harold: No, you were lucky. And you allowed me to defend a lie, a lie that youlooked me in the eyes and told. Why did you do that?

Blair: Yale was

on the line.

on the line: at risk of failingor being harmed, 岌岌可危

jiuwu 发表于 2012-5-18 23:23:55
本帖最后由 jiuwu 于 2012-5-18 23:33 编辑


这是我新找到的一个内容,所谓的rundown,就是a point-by-point summary,大家可以作为阅读资料来看,顺便也可以回忆一下剧情.

http://www.buzzsugar.com/2766275 提供了从第12集开始的rundown。

There's a fine line between confident, scheming Blair and petulant, tantrum-throwing Blair,and on this week's episode of Gossip Girl, we get a huge helpingof the latter. Frankly, the whole pouty-lower-lip-for-daddy routine wore on mylast nerve. I want to see Blair's misguided attempts at standing up for friends and getting what shewants, not stomping her foot and whining. But Blair is actually the least of myconcerns this episode, as Dan and the teacher make one idiotic move after another. Let's discuss — just read more.

Blair is officially on detention and hasto clean up the park (Dorota does this, naturally) and whines to Serena abouthow sucky Rachel is. But Serena doesn't agree and tells Blair how much this newteacher "gets" her. Ha!

It's funny, cause you know who teacher really gets? Dan. And she's gushing to him about hisshort story over breakfast where Serena catches them. Because that'sappropriate — breakfast with teacher.

Meanwhile, Chuck awakes to a new morning perplexed because he's having flashbacks to an Eyes Wide Shut evening that he doesn't remember. Butthere's sex! And masks! He must find out what this place is!

Back at school, Rachel says she hopesBlair learned a lesson out there in the park, to which Blair responds sarcastically, "I made friends with a family of squirrelsand had lots of time to think."

Meanwhile, Serena confronts Dan aboutspending time with the teacher and Dan's all, "you crazy." AndSerena's all, "Silly me, I should trust you."

Blair's on the warpath against Rachel and summons her girls tohelp take her down, but they refuse: "Sorry B, this is yourvendetta." Even a hilarious speech about liberty and all that they'veworked for doesn't help.

Until, of course, the announcement comesthat cell phones are now banned from school. Whose fault is this? Rachel's, ofcourse! Hazel, Nelly and those other ones in their bright coats are allofficially on board to take Rachel down.

Hazel gets the shakes because she can'tcheck Gossip Girl ("Is a scandal still a scandal if you can't text aboutit?") while Nelly mumbles something about checking the Dow.

But ha! Dorota shows up in disguise (darksunglasses) to give Blair her cell phone. The other girls: "Thank you,Jesus!" Blair: "No. Thank you, Blair."

And then Blair spots stupid Dancomplimenting the teacher's stupid sweater while she blushes. Blushing is notappropriate, people! She immediately texts Gossip Girl a Mary Kay Letourneaualert with her contraband phone.

Chuck, Nate, and Vanessa apparently haveno use for school and are figuring out where Chuck went the other night. Whenthey appear at a mysterious address, Vanessa muses, "Is this theChuck Bass version of Narnia?"

OK, so after there's a rumor going aroundthat Rachel is having an inappropriaterelationship with Dan, and after she uses the rumor to get Blair expelled, she then deems it appropriate to go have acandle-lit meet up with Dan? After hours?! Dan and this teacher are really,really stupid.

Blair almost loses Yale, but then Serenaturns on Rachel too and works a little phone-camera magic. One parents' councilmeeting and one snappy Damages referencelater, Rachel's fired.

So, she and Dan hook up, because she'salready fired for the hugging, so why not? But then she's not fired, so, uh, whoops. Could they pack inmore plot twists last night? Sheesh.

One thing is certain on the Upper East side. What goes around, comes around. XOXO,Gossip Girl.

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