






发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2012-5-28 18:00| 查看数: 816| 评论数: 0|

You know that “black hole” everyone is always talking about in your job search? This phenomenon often occurs because employers use applicant tracking system (ATS) software to manage the large volume of resumes and job applications they receive for their job vacancys. Most of these have special pre-screening technology to help hiring managers and recruiters find the best fit through keywords and phrases—and might even rank candidates based on how they measure up within the system. How can you “beat” an employer’s ATS in order to get noticed? Here are a few ways:


1.Look at the job description。阅读职位描述。

  Compare your resume with the job description. Use keywords and phrases from within the job description in order to appear as a more relevant candidate. You don’t want to overload your resume with keywords, but using language similar to the description can certainly make you stand out。


2.Focus your resume。简历要突出重点。

  Don’t include anything that isn’t directly related to the job at hand. You don’t need to include an objective statement or information on your job from 10 years ago。在简历里不要写与申请职位没有直接关系的内容,也没有必要描述你近十年的工作状况。

3.Follow all directions listed in the job ad。依照招聘广告上列出的要求做。

  Some ATS software takes certain document formats, so even though your PDF version looks awesome, it may come out looking differently on the other end. If it asks for a specific Word format, save your resume in that format before you submit it。一些ATS软件只识别某些特定的文件格式,所以,尽管你的PDF版本简历看起来棒极了,可能在ATS的眼里却是另一番模样。如果它要求一种特定的Word格式,在发送之前把简历保存为这种格式。

4.Check your spelling。检查拼写错误。

  Keywords don’t matter if they’re misspelled! You must check your spelling and grammar thoroughly before submitting your resume. Send it to a friend for a once-over, put it in Word and run a spell check, or print it and read it aloud to catch any errors。关键字拼错了怎么能发挥作用呢?!在发送前彻底检查一遍有没有拼写和语法错误。把它发给朋友过过目,用Word里自带的拼写检查功能查一遍,或者打出来大声朗读,把错误彻底清除。

5.Fill out everything。把表格填满。

  Don’t leave blanks in the application, even if they’re not required. Some ATS only accept candidates who complete the entire application, so you’re improving your chances at getting noticed if you do。即使没有填写要求,也不要在申请表上留下空白处。一些ATS只接受完整填写申请表的申请人,所以这样可以增加你受关注的机会。

 6.Uncomplicate your resume。简化简历。

  Don’t include pictures, graphics, or other fancy formatting that’s unnecessary. While it might make your resume look pretty, the ATS might not like it—and you’ll lower your chances at landing an interview in the process。简历中不要包含图片、图表或其它没有必要的花俏格式。这些东西可能使你的简历看起来很漂亮,但ATS可能不喜欢这一套,这样会减少你获得面试的机会。

 7.Include abbreviations。解释缩写词。

  However, it’s also important you include the non-abbreviated terms. Although you might know what the abbreviation stands for, the person reading your resume might not know—just like I did when opening this article explaining about applicant tracking systems (ATS)。解释缩写的术语同样很重要。虽然你可能知道这个缩写词代表什么,但读简历的人不一定知道,就像我在文章的开头解释缩写词ATS代表求职者追踪系统一样,对缩写术语进行解释。


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