






发布者: pls890429 | 发布时间: 2012-6-13 20:11| 查看数: 939| 评论数: 0|

说实话,看到第一张图的时候下了我这一大跳,心想:这难道是《生化危机》的新作,还是愚人节的玩笑!可是又仔细看了一下,两者都不是,是 discovery频道的新闻!由于核辐射造成的基因突变导致了原本两只眼睛的鱼生出了3只眼睛,这无疑印证了那句话——科技是一把双刃剑。人类不能停息的脚步,加速着对于赖以生存的自然资源的践踏,有一天三只眼睛的不只是鱼,还有跟二郎神一样的人类自身。


A three-eyed fish was caught in a reservoir in Argentina, reported Cadena 3, an Argentine news service.

  The fishing hole where the mutant fish was caught may be more of a fission hole. The reservoir, named “Chorro de Agua Caliente,” receives water from a nuclear plant in the province of Córdoba.

  "Simpsons" fans will remember the same thing happened in Springfield. Bart caught Blinky, a three-eyed fish, in the pond fed by Monty Burn's nuclear power plant in the episode “Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish,” from the second season of the hit series.

  Five Argentine fishermen's "woo-hoos" turned to "d'ohs" when the wolf fish (Hoplias malabaricus) they pulled into their boat looked back at them with three eyes.

  “Because it was night, we didn't realize it in the moment,” Julián Zmutt told Cadena 3.

  After checking the fish out by lantern light, one of the fishermen noted the bizarre mutation.

  “We've fished here for many years, and this is the first time this has happened,” Zmutt said.

  Through no official examinations have been completed, the fishermen think the mutant's proximity to the nuclear plant is a little fishy.

  “You start to talk about the nuclear center. You can't let go of the worry,” said Zmutt.

  Like Burns in the "Simpsons" episode, the fishermen don't have the stomach for three-eyed fish. They plan to submit it for testing, then have it preserved.


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